Thursday, June 29, 2017


Well hello there friends!

I finished another puzzle!

This one was bought with thoughts of the guys of our home because they both (my son way more than my grandson)  like and collect these Pop! figurines. I (foolishly) thought that Jacob might even want to help but he has no patience when it comes to puzzles.

Marvel Collage Collection
First Piece - 06/14/17
Last Piece - 06/27/17
Piece Count - 1,000
Size 19 x 27

Now on to the next one,
Jacob has it picked out for me already!

Thanks for stopping by,
see ya next time!


RJ said...

Faith you are so good at puzzles. This one looks hard to me too. I know your son will really like it too. Great job! RJ

Brigitte said...

You have a great variety of puzzles, Faith.

Linda said...

Congrats on another great puzzle finish Faith. Are you going to hang this one up? I did a small 300 Piece Mickey and Minnie puzzle last week and it took me forever. I felt like a 5 year old that had never done a puzzle before.


diamondc said...

Oh my gosh Faith: My eyes went crossing when I looked at this puzzle so many pieces, good job, I love puzzles.

Happy Fourth

Anonymous said...

Nice job, Faith!