Sunday, July 21, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 07/21/24

Hello Everyone! I hope you are doing wonderfully this week.  

It is pretty quiet here. Just chillin and stitchin and who wouldn't enjoy that? 

This week I worked on two projects. One for Christmas and the other is Halloween. Two of my favorite holidays to stitch things for.  So first up is Christmas! 

I think Durene Jones makes the cutest whimsical little charts! I have many in my stash and it doesn't help that she has the Friday Freebies.  I finished the Santa and the I started the Snowman.

Small Christmas Ornaments

                                       Santa                                                           Snowman
Finished 07/14/24                                                     Progress 07/17/24
80 stitches                                                               189 stitches

After that I decided on a new Halloween start. It is a free design if you are interested in it.

Progress 07/20/24
292 stitches

And that is that
short and sweet!

Thanks for stopping by to see what was on my Q-snaps this week!

Hope to see you again next week.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 07/14/24

Welcome to my world! Nothing to exciting has been happening here except heat, rain and repeat! Now as everyone knows; I love the heat but this summer it seems to be pretty brutal since it doesn't seem to be letting up. I know I shouldn't complain though because it will be over with sooner than we know and then I will be wishing for it!  

This week I managed to get in quite a few stitches! 

First up is the I Stitch Sampler

I Stitch Sampler
Rhona Norrie
Rhona Norrie Designs
Progress 07/07/24
219 stitches add to this one!
That letter S took a lot of stitches to work up!

Then I spun the wheel and it was time to work on the pretty rainbow! I just love the way the designer moves from one color to another. The colors look so great together. 

Twisted Rainbow Sampler
Progress 07/09/24
Added 202 stitches this week

Next up was the snowman! It takes a long time to see any progress on this piece because of all that confetti but I am going to keep going and going... 

The Enchanted Christmas Snowman

Progress 07/13/24
Added 202 stitches this week.
These are the most encouraging pictures here this week as I can really see some progress!

And finally, the Vase of Flowers bookmark!

Vase of Flowers
Progress 07/12/24
142 Stitches added in so I need to add in a few more.

And that is all my stitches for the week! 

Now during this upcoming week I will be checking over my projects in order to make sure I am ready to #StitchTheSummerOlympics Katie over at Jeremiah's Mom found a fun little challenge to do whether you watch the Olympics or not. I guess it is not really a challenge but more of a guide to follow because you don't have to stitch everyday and nothing is required of you but to have fun! It is a way for stitchers to connect, have fun and share their love of stitching with one another. I think it will be fun!!  If you are interested or just curious check out the post about with Katie (a different Katie LOL) over at The Naptime Stitcher on Instagram!  I hope you can join in! 

Well I am sure that is more than enough for today!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will come back to see me next week!

Sunday, July 07, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 07/07/24

 Well here we are... Another week, another post! 😊

Nothing exciting happening in my part of the world. I think it is just to darn hot for people to do anything besides nothing. I did go and meet my friends in the mall for our stitching gathering and I put the sun visor in the front window when I got out of the car. Three hours later when I got back to my car it was so hot in there I couldn't even touch my seatbelt without burning my fingers! I think I need a cover for my entire car to keep it cool. I hope it is not that hot where you are. 

Well on to the stitching... This week I only stitched on two pieces. The first one is one of my Christmas ornaments! 

Small Christmas Ornaments
Durene Jones
Progress 07/03/24
516 stitches added

He still needs a little backstitching and I plan on getting it in soon! I think he is pretty adorable though!!

Next it was Independence Day here in the United States so for one of my challenges we had to start something patriotic. We needed to stitch either 500, 1000 or 1776 stitches in four days. As you can probably tell I went for the 500 stitches!

Long May You Stitch
Lucy Beam from
Love In Stitches
Progress 07/04/24
506 stitches

Now I am going to put this away for a couple of days and find another WIP to work on. 

So I am off to spin the wheel to see what I land on!

Thanks for stopping by and checking
out my stitches, I appreciate it!

Have a great week and I hope you get in lots of Xs.

💜💜    💜💜💜     ðŸ’œ   ðŸ’œ   ðŸ’œ     ðŸ’œðŸ’œðŸ’œ    💜💜

Sunday, June 30, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 06/30/24

Hi there! Hope everything is going well with you and that you had a great week. 

This week I am going to make a quick and short post because I have some stuff to do with Tia! 

Last week I showed you my start on the Twisted Rainbow Sampler. After I posted I stitches on it just a little bit longer and here is how it looks now. 

Twisted Rainbow Sampler
Designer - Northern Expressions Needlework

Progress 06/23/24
added another 156 stitches

I love how the colors go from one to another. After that I decided to do some work on the one about a home being wherever your dog is. This is a pretty easy one with no color changes! And since I was going to meet my group of stitching friends it makes good sense with all the talking and distractions. 

Home is Where the Dog Is
Progress 06/26/24
204 stitches added this week.

I am slowly making progress! Also during the last couple of days and in between stitches, I had to frog my blackwork piece, One Hundred Days of Tiny. Last week I mentioned that I kept looking at it thinking something was wrong with it and I finally figured it out what it was! I was stitching with one thread and then when I picked it up again I started using two threads. 

One Hundred Days of Tiny
Progress 06/28/24
even after the frog visit it ended up with 146 stitches this week.

So that is it for the week!

Thanks for taking a peek at my stitching
see ya next week with another faithful update!
Have a good week and if you are in the States
enjoy the 4th of July while staying safe!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 06/23/24

Happy Sunday Everyone! 

I hope that you had a great week.  I had a pretty good week. Just hanging out at the house and getting in quite a bit of stitching.  It has been to hot to cook in the kitchen so I have been making a lot of crock pot meals which frees up a lot of my day and that is pretty nice! Do you guys like to cook in the crockpot? I think it maybe my favorite way to "cook" dinner!

This week I pulled out this piece again and continued stitching this blackwork with two threads. 
One Hundred Days of Tiny
Progress 06/16/24
159 stitches added I was stitching it I kept looking at the the stitched parts and I think that they look very thick. I asked around and everyone says it looks fine the way it is and I agreed. Then I would stitch some more and start having the doubts about the stitches again. I decided that I will just start it over and see how I like it then. 

Then I was in a little pop-up challenge in one of my groups to either stitch 500 stitches or 5 hours on a piece that you avoid. Well I am always dreading the Dinosaur piece with all of the confetti stitches it has. So silly me, that is the piece I decided on. 

Artist - Stephen Michael Gardner
Progress 06/20/24
179 stitches added

Well I ended up stitching for the five hours and put in 179 stitches. I do consider that good with as much confetti as there is.  It seems like there was not more than five of the same color stitches in any one place. So now I think this one has to go on time out for the month of July! 

Next I stitched some of the Vase of Flowers which is on plastic canvas. It will be a bookmark once it is finished. 

Vase of Flowers
Durene Jones
Progress 06/21/24
added 240 stitches

Then yesterday I moved on to a cheery colorful one!

Twisted Rainbow Sampler
Progress 06/21/24
only 84 stitches added

That is 662 stitches for the week but I am happy with the amount given the Dinosaur piece. 

Next week I have a few pieces to catch up on before the end of the month so I hope to be busy stitching this week to finish my acrostics for June. Then it is time to figure out the July plans!

Well I talked to much (again) so that is it for today!

Thanks again for stopping by and
checking out my stitches, I appreciate it!
I am off to add some more Xs to the Twisted Rainbow!

Have a great week and I hope you get in lots of Xs.

💜💜💜     ðŸ’œ   ðŸ’œ   ðŸ’œ     ðŸ’œðŸ’œðŸ’œ

Sunday, June 16, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 06/16/24

Hello Everyone!  I want to start off by saying Happy Father's Day to all it applies to; men and women!

We are still having a crazy heatwave! We will be in the 100s and monsoon is supposed to start this week. So we will have rain with hot air! Unfortunately for us, the rain does not usually last very long. Also it is kinda spotty; it may rain at my house but not across the street so you have to be in a good place to get wet! LOL 

This week I stitched a little on a few different pieces. I started off with

The Flower a Day
CM Designs

Progress 06/09/24
249 stitches

I really love this one but it is slow going! So many pretty flowers and colors.

After that I spun the wheel and got the other flower piece!

Flowers of the Month
June, Wild Rose
Progress 06/12/24
280 stitches

Well I FINALLY finished the June flower! I am so happy it is done!!
Now to finish the other eight and that will take a while, I am sure!!

Next up is the temperature piece that I am sure will NOT be finished in 2024!

Temperature Library
Designer - Kristi DiClemente
Progress 06/14/24
Added 229 stitches

I thought on this one I would make the bookshelf first and then start adding the books but evidently bookshelves are harder to make than I thought they would be!! This is the outline for the top seven shelves. 

And that is the stitches for the week, 758 stitches! 

I appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to see my stitching.
Hope to see ya next week with another faithful update!

💜💜💜     ðŸ’œ   ðŸ’œ   ðŸ’œ     ðŸ’œðŸ’œðŸ’œ

I am off to stitch!

Sunday, June 09, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 06/09/24

 Here we are... at Sunday once again! That also means it is time for my weekly update! 

This last week we have been in the hundreds every day.  Lots of stay in the house, drink water, wear light clothes and don't walk your dogs without their shoes warnings happening here; all of which are good advice! It is going to be the same this week which just means we will have to only go out when necessary but poor Jacob has to be outside when he is working at his piano moving job. They try to do everything early in the mornings but you know how that goes; some customers aren't available early so the hot parts of the day it is. 

Now on to this week's stitching!  I stitched on three different projects and one of them hasn't been out of the WIP Box in a very long time.

One day a couple of weeks ago, Jacob asked if I was ever going to finish Dinosaurs. As always when he asks this I felt bad about it still being in the dreaded WIP box and told him of course I will. So, I explained to him about the monthly acrostics that I am doing and that I haven't been able to work in the Dinos (even though it is not like I really tried). He said he didn't believe that I couldn't fit it in even ONE time so I knew I HAD to start including it and I will be darn if it didn't fit in on the first line of the acrostic I had for June! It was a sign I tell you! ha ha ha

So this month the first piece up is DINOSAURS!


The awesome part is I can actually see the progress here!

Progress 06/02/24
240 stitches added

Next I worked on the Peppermint Purple 2024 Annual SAL

2024 Blackwork SAL
Yes...I am STILL working on the borders, though hopefully not for much longer! When I
work on it I seem to get in lots of stitches but blackwork seemingly requires lots of stitches!

Progress 06/07/24
253 stitches added

And the last one for the week I decided that Metroid needed some Xs! 

I wish the stitches went in as fast on this piece! This one seems to take forever.

Progress 06/05/24
I put in 313 stitches on this one for the week

So that is a total 806 stitches for the week!

So that wraps it up for the week. Next week I will have some flowers to show and then I think that the Dinosaurs is coming back out at the end of the week. I have to check the dates for a challenge I will be in. 

If you are being exposed to extreme temperatures or weather of any kind,
please take precautions!

Thanks for taking a peek at my stitching
see ya next week with another faithful update!

💜   ðŸ’œ   ðŸ’œ

Sunday, June 02, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 06/02/24

Afternoon Stitchers!  I hope you had a wonderful week. 

This week I only worked on a couple of pieces but on one of them I finished all the stitching!  

I started working on the Happy Birthday Card to reach my acrostic goal but when I got to the number I needed I decided to keep stitching and the next thing I knew... I finished all the stitches! 

Happy Birthday Card
Astor Place
'Greeting Cards for All Seasons'

Finished 05/27/24
360 stitches finished this one off

Now I need to finish it off as a birthday card to be mailed in August to a friend of mine in Illinois. 

After I finished that up I was also finished with all my acrostics for the month of May. So with nothing in particular to stitch I decided to add some stitches to the Winter 2024 SAL. 

Winter 2024 SAL
Designer - Alyssa
Progress 05/31/24
added 630 stitches this week

The more I use this color fabric the more I love it! I am usually a white fabric kinda stitcher because I am not that good at deciding what colors to use but this color was listed as the preferred color so I took a chance and am I glad I did. I may just have to add a few pieces of this color to my stash. 

I have also been cleaning off my hard drive of old files and organizing other files to make better sense and so I probably won't be able to find them again when I need them!  When I wasn't 'organizing' I still managed to stitch everyday! 😊 

I also figured out my goals for June and here they are:

I think these are more than manageable and I am almost finished with one already.

So that is all I have for you this week so I guess I am off to stitch until dinner. Today is breakfast for dinner; waffles and sausage links. Do you guys ever have breakfast for dinner? How about leftover dinner for breakfast? Maybe pizza or the side dish you had last night? 

Thanks a bunch for stopping by to visit me.
Stay happy and safe.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 05/26/24

Afternoon Everyone! 

I hope that you guys had a great week and got in a lot of stitching time! I enjoy my stitching time each day, it is the perfect way to relax at the end of each day before I turn in. This week I got in quite a few stitches and reached my Acrostic goals on all except the Happy Birthday card which I  plan to finish this afternoon. 

First thing I finished on my list was my 200 stitches on Nintendo. This part was pretty boring since it was only the black and white section but it was also kind of quick. 

Progress 05/19/24
238 stitches this week.

Then on Tuesday I decided to take the Birthday card to our stitching group since this is one I don't have to concentrate on so much.

Happy Birthday Card
Astor Place
'Greeting Cards for All Seasons'
Progress 05/21/24
148 stitches so far, needs 52 more stitches.

After that I picked up The Enchanted Christmas Snowman and added the missing stitches. 

The Enchanted Christmas Snowman

Progress 05/22/24
added 71 stitches which finished this up for the month.

Next up was the I Stitch Sampler; I think I will be glad when the letters are complete because they seem to be taking forever. 

I Stitch Sampler
Rhona Norrie
Progress 05/23/24
212 stitches for the finish!

And last but not least for this post is the String of Lights Christmas Tree!  I have the tree finished and now to add the lightbulbs on. 

String of Lights Christmas Tree
Artist - Ruth

Progress 05/25/24
stitched 228 stitches

So that is all of the stitches for the week.

Now I am off to make some more stitches for next week!

Thanks for stopping by.
I hope to see you again next week
to see what I will add some stitches to!

💜  💜  💜

Sunday, May 19, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 05/19/24

Good Afternoon Friends! 

I hope that you are doing well today and that you had an awesome crafty week. Our weather has been on the warm side. We have been in the 90s with yesterday having the high temperature of 98℉ and it is still only spring!  I think that the news said this is the earliest we have been this hot. Can't wait to see what the summer brings. I did read somewhere that everywhere in the U.S. will be above average. I guess it will be time for many to hibernate.

Now on to the stitching! This week I had a pretty good one and got quite a bit finished.  Though there was one giving me a big headache! LOL 

First up was a holdover from last week, the Winter SAL.  I am usually way behind on SALs because I do them at my own pace rather that someone else's. Also I normally collect all the parts before I even start because once I was stitching one of those mystery SALs with a group and when we got about halfway I decided I hated the design. All that time invested in it, wasted! I think I cut off the unused part of the fabric and threw the rest away!

Winter 2024 SAL
Designer - Alyssa
Progress 05/12/24
Added 273 stitches this week

Then I worked on The Enchanted Christmas Snowman for a few days. When I was first gifted this chart I was so excited! I started it and did quite a bit but then had to move on to other things with the promise of coming back to it someday! Well it is NOW someday but it is giving me lots of headaches. The section I am working on now are nothing but confetti stitches! Nooooo!! I work one or two stitches in each section and then I have to switch to a new floss color. It is so time consuming. It actually took me two days to stitch 87 stitches. I can't wait to get to a big block of color! 

The Enchanted Christmas Snowman
Progress 05/16/24
147 stitches added
I need to come back to this one and add 53 more stitches before the end of the month.

I then worked on my very simple Home is Where the Dog Is piece. On this one there are NO color changes so I just get to keep on stitching and stitching! But oh so much solid black which makes it pretty boring which is why I take it to my Stitching Group to work on because there are lots of distractions there!! 

Home is Where the Dog Is
Daily Cross Stitch
Progress 05/14/24
154 stitches added this week.

Then I worked on a piece that I am doing on plastic canvas, Vase of Flowers. It goes pretty fast when working on plastic canvas and since this will be a bookmark I felt that plastic was the way to go for durability.

Vase of Flowers
Progress 05/17/24
added 225 stitches to this one

Then I decided to wrap up the week with Flowers of the Month. I like these but they are just a little bit time consuming too. Luckily for me they have more than one or two stitched per color in each area. 

Flowers of the Month
June, Wild Rose
Progress 05/18/24
211 stitches added here

That is a total of 1.010 stitches for the week!

If you are still here... Thanks!
I think I probably "talked" your ear off!

I can try to do it again next week to so...

Please come back then
and we will do it again!
