Sunday, June 30, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 06/30/24

Hi there! Hope everything is going well with you and that you had a great week. 

This week I am going to make a quick and short post because I have some stuff to do with Tia! 

Last week I showed you my start on the Twisted Rainbow Sampler. After I posted I stitches on it just a little bit longer and here is how it looks now. 

Twisted Rainbow Sampler
Designer - Northern Expressions Needlework

Progress 06/23/24
added another 156 stitches

I love how the colors go from one to another. After that I decided to do some work on the one about a home being wherever your dog is. This is a pretty easy one with no color changes! And since I was going to meet my group of stitching friends it makes good sense with all the talking and distractions. 

Home is Where the Dog Is
Progress 06/26/24
204 stitches added this week.

I am slowly making progress! Also during the last couple of days and in between stitches, I had to frog my blackwork piece, One Hundred Days of Tiny. Last week I mentioned that I kept looking at it thinking something was wrong with it and I finally figured it out what it was! I was stitching with one thread and then when I picked it up again I started using two threads. 

One Hundred Days of Tiny
Progress 06/28/24
even after the frog visit it ended up with 146 stitches this week.

So that is it for the week!

Thanks for taking a peek at my stitching
see ya next week with another faithful update!
Have a good week and if you are in the States
enjoy the 4th of July while staying safe!


MartinaM said...

A few more stitches have been added, it's fun to follow your progress.
Have a nice week, Martina

butterfly said...

A few stitches is better than none.
That's my thinking , have fun Hugs June.

diamondc said...

Hi Faith: Twisted Rainbow design is lovely, I do like how the colors gradually change,
Home Is Where The Dog Is, is such a cute design, I have never seen the 100 Days Of Tiny before, I like it very much.


Robin in Virginia said...

Oh Faith, each project is looking fabulous. Well done!

Katie said...

Fantastic work on everything. I think the One Hundred Days of Tiny looks great no matter the number of threads. Just beautiful and delicate. Can't wait to see how your stitching grows in July.

Carol said...

Your rainbow sampler is looking so pretty, Faith! And your other two projects are growing nicely. Happy July! I truly cannot believe 2024 is half over... Enjoy your week ♥

Manuela said...

Your rainbow sampler will be great. I love it.
Happy 4th of July.