Sunday, May 26, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 05/26/24

Afternoon Everyone! 

I hope that you guys had a great week and got in a lot of stitching time! I enjoy my stitching time each day, it is the perfect way to relax at the end of each day before I turn in. This week I got in quite a few stitches and reached my Acrostic goals on all except the Happy Birthday card which I  plan to finish this afternoon. 

First thing I finished on my list was my 200 stitches on Nintendo. This part was pretty boring since it was only the black and white section but it was also kind of quick. 

Progress 05/19/24
238 stitches this week.

Then on Tuesday I decided to take the Birthday card to our stitching group since this is one I don't have to concentrate on so much.

Happy Birthday Card
Astor Place
'Greeting Cards for All Seasons'
Progress 05/21/24
148 stitches so far, needs 52 more stitches.

After that I picked up The Enchanted Christmas Snowman and added the missing stitches. 

The Enchanted Christmas Snowman

Progress 05/22/24
added 71 stitches which finished this up for the month.

Next up was the I Stitch Sampler; I think I will be glad when the letters are complete because they seem to be taking forever. 

I Stitch Sampler
Rhona Norrie
Progress 05/23/24
212 stitches for the finish!

And last but not least for this post is the String of Lights Christmas Tree!  I have the tree finished and now to add the lightbulbs on. 

String of Lights Christmas Tree
Artist - Ruth

Progress 05/25/24
stitched 228 stitches

So that is all of the stitches for the week.

Now I am off to make some more stitches for next week!

Thanks for stopping by.
I hope to see you again next week
to see what I will add some stitches to!

💜  💜  💜


butterfly said...

Well done faith , you got more stitching in that I did.
Have a fun week hugs June.

Robin in Virginia said...

Faith, you had a productive week. Each project looks really good.

diamondc said...

Faith: You have been busy with needle and thread.
I am so looking forward to seeing more progress on Enchanted Christmas Snowman.


Manuela said...

Hello Faith,
you made good progress on all your projects you choose.
Have a nice week. Manuela

Carol said...

So many projects, Faith! As a monogamous stitcher these might make my head spin--ha ha! I'm the type that rarely goes back to a project if I leave it, so I try to finish each piece before moving on. My middle son would have loved that Nintendo piece--each little block must feel like a mini-finish :) Enjoy your week ♥

Katie said...

Great work on everything. Love your fantastic stitching girl. Hugs.