Sunday, June 16, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 06/16/24

Hello Everyone!  I want to start off by saying Happy Father's Day to all it applies to; men and women!

We are still having a crazy heatwave! We will be in the 100s and monsoon is supposed to start this week. So we will have rain with hot air! Unfortunately for us, the rain does not usually last very long. Also it is kinda spotty; it may rain at my house but not across the street so you have to be in a good place to get wet! LOL 

This week I stitched a little on a few different pieces. I started off with

The Flower a Day
CM Designs

Progress 06/09/24
249 stitches

I really love this one but it is slow going! So many pretty flowers and colors.

After that I spun the wheel and got the other flower piece!

Flowers of the Month
June, Wild Rose
Progress 06/12/24
280 stitches

Well I FINALLY finished the June flower! I am so happy it is done!!
Now to finish the other eight and that will take a while, I am sure!!

Next up is the temperature piece that I am sure will NOT be finished in 2024!

Temperature Library
Designer - Kristi DiClemente
Progress 06/14/24
Added 229 stitches

I thought on this one I would make the bookshelf first and then start adding the books but evidently bookshelves are harder to make than I thought they would be!! This is the outline for the top seven shelves. 

And that is the stitches for the week, 758 stitches! 

I appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to see my stitching.
Hope to see ya next week with another faithful update!

💜💜💜     💜   💜   💜     💜💜💜

I am off to stitch!


Katie said...

Lovely stitching on everything. Keep it up girl. Hugs!

MartinaM said...

Very nice progress, and it's great that you've also finished it, the June bloom is finished, so you can start on the next one soon.
Have fun,

Clare-Aimetu said...

Another week of great stitching, more than as I haven't picked up a needle at all this week

Manuela said...

Beautiful progress. I like your flowers stitching very much.
Have a nice week. Manuela

Robin in Virginia said...

Pretty flower finish, Faith! Well done! Your other projects are looking good. Be safe and keep hydrated in the heat!

butterfly said...

Lovely stitching sweet friend .
Love the June flower.
Can you send some sun, we get some sun but also lots of rain.
Hugs June.

Carol said...

Love all your flower stitching this week, Faith! And that bookshelf temperature chart looks so interesting. We've had a major heat wave here this week, too (after me complaining about June being too cool in my post last week--ha ha!). It's been 90-95 all week and is just not cooling down much at night. Thankfully, we can just sit inside in the AC :) Enjoy your weekend! ♥