Sunday, May 07, 2017

My Sunday Stitchy Update 05/07/17

Evening Everyone!

I hope you all had a fantastic week and that warmer weather is finding your neighborhood!

Lately I haven't had the stitchy bug but I received the "Well Hello There!" kit for May and just had to stitch it up. These are quick stitches, the hardest part for me is attaching the buttons and trying to get them in a straight line! Well, here is my finished project.

Well Hello There!
Last Stitch 05/06/17

They are pretty straight ;)  LOL

Well I just realized I have not started on my Christmas Ornament for this month so guess what I will be starting tomorrow...

Have a great crafty week everyone!

Thanks for taking a peek at my stitching
see ya next week with another faithful update!


Mii Stitch said...

Faith, Hello May is so sweet with all the buttons!!!
Enjoy your cross stitching, hope the bug behaves :)

Goofin' Off Around the Block said...

The "Hello May" piece is a sweet little finish. Sometimes those quick finishes help me to get my stitching mojo back.

Linda said...

Congrats on the cute finish Faith. You did a great job of attaching the buttons.


Justine said...

Another cutie Faith! The buttons look straight to me...

RJ said...

Oh this stitch is adorable Faith. Isn't it nice to have some quick and easy ones and I do think it helps to get back in the flow. Your buttons are so sweet and they look mighty straight to me. Have a great week. RJ from stitching friends forever 2

blue star stitcher said...

"Hello May" is so cute, love the little buttons but yes it would bug me trying to get them all in a straight line.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet finish....the buttons are a wonderful addition (and they look perfectly straight to me!!!)

Desiree Ehleiter said...

I think a quick stitch is just what we need when our mojo decides to take a break for a little while. Hello May is adorable. Looking forward to seeing your ornament soon.

Melinda Forbes said...

These buttons look very straight. Great job!

The Crafty Princess said...

I don't know Faith they look pretty straight to me, but I have had a couple of glasses of wine LOL!

Pretty buttons nevertheless.
xo Alicia

Astrids dragon said...

Sweet stitch, the buttons are great!