WOW, December already! Eek, that means it is crunchtime for Christmas stitching! I still need to finish the stitching on one ornament plus the back stitch on a couple. Then get them ready for the tree. I ALWAYS plan to get them done earlier than December but you know how plans go! I will have to work on them soon!
This week I am just jumping right into the prompts because I have lots to do around the house.
This was the left over one that didn't get on last weeks post. The prompt was "Stitch on something that can fly." So I don't think I have ever seen a ghost but in any movie you watch the ghosts fly everywhere they go, even right through walls.
Added 204 stitches on 11/24
Now onto this week and my next stitch was "Home is Where the Dog Is." We can finally see the dog's outline against his house! Yay that means progress was made though there are still lots of stitches to stitch! Oh, the prompt was "Stitch a WIP with a frog, dog, bear or chicken" so this definitely qualifies.
216 stitches were stitched on 11/25
The next prompt to be stitched was "Stitch on a WIP which has a dangerous creature in it." I don't know about you but I think a dinosaur is is pretty dangerous. I know I wouldn't want to be around one and I will NEVER go to Jurassic Park!
Artist - Stephen Michael Gardner

I added 100 stitches to the dinosaurs on 11/26
I have never used one of these floss organizers before but since I seem to spend most of my time threading my needle when working on Dinosaurs I thought this might help speed things up.

Have you ever used one? If so, do you have any tips about using this feel free to let me know! Thanks
Next I needed to "Stitch on a WIP you would consider an experiment." Well with as many times as I had to frog this one I felt it was an experiment; after all aren't frogs used in experiments? Well I feel like I have had more than my fair share of them on the Blackwork SAL!
Peppermint Purple

147 stitches were added (successfully I hope) on 11/27

147 stitches were added (successfully I hope) on 11/27
The next prompt was to "Stitch on a WIP that contains 2 of their powers (water, something fast, light, garden, animal or a tool)." Well all of these thing are featured in Nintendo games so it was a logical choice. The people are always fast and they need tools to do whatever they are attempting and the animals, I think they are in every game!

Contra received 123 stitched on 11/28
The next stitching prompt is very fitting for this next stitch. "Stitch on a WIP that you had forgotten about or wish you could forget about." I always forget to stitch it or I push the Christmas pieces to the bottom of my stitching pile because in my mind I have plenty of time to get to it later and then the next thing you know, it is December!
The last one for this week is "Stitch on a WIP that needs a 1000 year hibernation (e.g. a project that has been naughty and needs a time out or one you are bored of and needs to put away for a bit)." This piece is a VERY boring stitch. All you do is stitch the same color in a row all the way down to the end and then move on to the next color and do it again. I do love this piece but boring is the word of the day.
Well that was the stitching for the week. I do hope that you guys are enjoying the pieces I stitched
and how I decided on those pieces. I hope that they will do this same event in 2025. I like trying to pick out a piece for each prompt. Some of them take all week to figure out a reason! LOL
If anyone feels like they might want to try this challenge come on over and join in on Facebook. The group is called Fandom Stitching Central. They do have other challenges to but this one is MY favorite. It is not required to stitch all the prompts because after all it is just for FUN!
If anyone feels like they might want to try this challenge come on over and join in on Facebook. The group is called Fandom Stitching Central. They do have other challenges to but this one is MY favorite. It is not required to stitch all the prompts because after all it is just for FUN!
If you are going Christmas shopping please be vigilant and safe. Everywhere is bound to be crowded which makes it easier for thieves.
I hope you have an excellent week and I will see you right here next Sunday!
It's always interesting to see which projects are coming up in a week. It wouldn't make sense for me, I only ever work on one or two projects.
But I'm happy to see your progress.
Have a lovely Advent season, Martina
I always enjoy seeing your progress pictures along with the prompts you are stitching, Faith. Happy December!
Love them all!!! Great progress. I joined the 2025 Blackwork. I look forward to seeing if I can do it. I've never used a floss organizer like that. Though I know a lot of people seem to enjoy them.
I am way behind on my gift stitching, too, Faith! I have things stitched--just not finished! Every year I start off with the best of intentions only to fall down on the job and be stressed out in December. All of your projects are looking great. I have never used a floss organizer, but can imagine they would come in handy. Good luck getting those ornaments done. I've been sick for a week now and don't even have any Christmas decor up at all :( Enjoy your week! ♥
Hello faith: Wowzer that is a load of stitching, so many amazing designs, I am looking forward to seeing the dog fully stitched.
Merry Christmas
Beautiful progress on all your stitching project.
Have a nice week. Manuela
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