Sunday, January 26, 2025

My Sunday Stitchy Update 01/26/25

Happy Sunday Everyone! 

I hope that you had a wonderful week and it was full of stitches!  We are still having some cold days here and I don't like it very much! By the end of the week we were back to the 70s but I think next week will be bringing some more chilly days. Everyone in my area has been getting sick since the temps have been fluctuating so much but hopefully winter will be over soon with any luck.

If you are in the area of the California wildfires I am still praying they will be over soon. I think that they have some of the smaller fires under control but there is always a chance that they will spark into another large one again. They need lots of rain and water to fight those fires so please, if you pray ask for those fires to finally be put to rest. 

Well I had another pretty busy week full of stitches, so let me show you what I did!

The first prompt called was #5 "Stitch something from a magazine." This piece came out of the Winter 2024 edition of the Just Cross Stitch magazine so it definitely qualified!

I added 214 stitches this time.

The next number called was 20! It said to "Stitch something inspired by your pet or someone else’s pet". Well we have five dogs so this was the ONLY logical piece! 

91 stitches were added this time.

11 Stitch something you would take on vacation

Put in 47 stitches

After that the caller called number 21. That prompt said to "Stitch something that is part of a series." I have a few pieces that can be considered a series but I think this may be my oldest one. I would REALLY like to finish it someday.

Started adding the greenery on the trees which was 110 stitches!

Well here we are, coming up to the end of Brringo! Only TWO prompts left. The first one called was 24. Again I need to "Stitch something inspired by your zodiac sign!"  I'm not really into the zodiac or horoscopes but here is my sign, Virgo.  This piece was pretty easy but I would like to stitch the Virgo symbol on it because it looks so bare. I'll have to go over to Etsy and see if I can find one.

115 stitches finished this piece!!

And last but not list the very last number called was 1! It stated "Stitch something that is a fantasy theme (ex: fancy ladies, mermaids, etc)." I think that Stitchie Witchie is pretty fancy looking, just look at that hat for starters! Her outfit will look great too once you get to see all of her. 

I added 150 stitches.

This was my Brringo card.

And that is it for now. We play another version in September and I am already looking forward to it. But for now, I can stitch whatever I feel like doing so I planned out the last week of January to do one project a day. 

Well I hope you all have a great week coming up.

So until I "see" you again
stay positive, happy, safe
and keep stitching!


MartinaM said...

You have worked on some very nice projects and even small steps forward lead to the goal.
I wish you a nice week, Martina

Manuela said...

So many stitches in your projects. I like the one with the cat very much.
Have a nice new week.

Robin in Virginia said...

Well done on your Brringo pieces, Faith! I can't wait to see what you have decided to work on during this last week of January.

butterfly said...

Oh you are such a busy bee .
I need to catch up first illness , now bad weather we are getting some really bad storms , and wind .
Hugs June.

Katie said...

Congrats on completing them all. I am so glad they announced another month long challenge. I love them so much. So motivating.

Carol said...

Looks like another successful week of stitching, Faith! I honestly don't know how you keep all of your projects straight :) Looks like you'll have a finish of that cute dog piece very soon. Five dogs?!?! Wow! I'm sure they keep your place hopping! Looking forward to seeing what you are working on this week... Enjoy these last few days of January and I hope it warms up for you! ♥

diamondc said...

Hello Faith: It has been warm here even a couple of days that the golf courses were open, lovely progress on your stitching.
We have been praying for rain and for the fires to be put out in California, I hope it rains a good steady nice rain but no floods.


Astrids dragon said...

Stitching cats and dogs, you can't go wrong!
Great progress on the rest, Brringo is working well for you!