Sunday, March 02, 2025

My Sunday Stitchy Update 03/02/25

Hi everyone, welcome to my little space in the clouds. I hope you are having a great weekend. 

This week I only stitched on three different projects because of the short month. So what I am trying to say is this should a quick post! 

So last Sunday I stitched my little fingers off so that I could have a finish on this dog piece and success was achieved! YAY, IT'S A FINISH!!  I think that this piece will just get a hoop finish. 

Put in the last 209 stitches.

Then on Monday and Tuesday I pulled out this Halloween piece and continued working on the ghost witches hat. When you look at the hat it doesn't look like a lot of stitches but it is always more than you think it is. Hopefully this will be finished by Halloween!

So I managed to get in 161 stitches.

After that I thought I could get in some fills on the blackwork piece. The problem with stitching this piece is that the fabric has a lot of stretch to it so the lines never seem right to me. I am constantly taking the stitches out and redoing them all to try and make them look better. I wish I could remember the name of the fabric so that I will never buy it again. I love the hand dying it though! I hope that when I start the 2025 version of this I have better luck with the fabric I choose.

I did add in 467 (934) stitches though!

Something fun thing happened this week. While we are stitching in the mall people are always stopping by to see what we are doing and they often talk about their own crafts and the experiences they had/have with them. So one Tuesday evening while we were stitching two teen girls came over to look. They were very interested and said they would be back soon. I didn't really pay any attention to it as many people say that but we never see them again. But to my surprise, the girls and their grandma came back on Friday morning, and both of the girls were carrying a small kit they would like to learn to stitch with. One of the ladies in our group sat with them and taught them how to get started by getting the fabric ready and reading the pattern. Those girls really took to it and loved it! 
These are their pictures after about an hour of stitching and I think they did a great start. 
Looks like this will be the next generation of cross stitching.

So anyways, I need to go find some Christmas ornaments for the family but looking on Etsy is so time consuming because I have to see everything!! Then I get distracted and no ornaments are found.

So that is it for this week.

Thank you very much for stopping by!
I am going to go enjoy some stitching
time now, so until we meet again.

Stay safe and keep that needle moving.


MartinaM said...

Nice progress, and such a nice story, you have encouraged the next generation, it's nice that the young girls enjoy handicrafts.
Greetings, Martina

butterfly said...

Well done on your progress .
I love it when the younger generation join in .
I wish the schools would do classes , but no .
In my day they would teach us , I made a little mat for my mom and she loved it .
We learnt all the basics at school , there was cooking ,pottery needle work, plus you would cook a full meal for a teacher .
It's all gone now , What a shame ,

Katie said...

Wohoo a finish. Plus a dog finish. Adorable!
Yeah sometimes those block stitches like the hat take a lot of time. So funny. But sure adorable. The blackwork piece is looking fantastic. Thanks for being a bad influence. I'm enjoying this year's. Oh how fun. Good job spreading the happiness of stitching.