Sunday, March 23, 2025

My Sunday Stitchy Update 03/16/25

The weather has been nice this week. Mostly we have been in the 80s, which I love! Well, nothing exciting is going on here, which I also love! I like it when it is nice and quiet. That gives me plenty of stitching time. 

But I don't feel like I got in many Xs for the week. I did stitch a few different projects, so let me show them to you. 

The first one was Long May You Stitch. While I was stitching, I was also watching the news and listening to if helped me decide to change this piece from STITCH to WAVE. With all the turmoil here in the US I thought this was much more appropriate. 

Lucy Beam

I put 254 stitches in this one

After that I worked on the snowman for a couple of days. I am starting to really see a difference in this one when I stitch it! That is so encouraging to me. Before when I didn't notice a difference, it was discouraging so I would skip over it and leave it in the WIP Box.

I added 159 stitches this time 

Then since I was already stitching winter, I decided to just keep the theme going and I pulled out the Winter SAL for a day. I am getting close to the bottom on it but I will need to go back and put in all the stars, snowflakes and a little back stitch. 

Designer - Alyssa
144 stitches were added here

And then to wrap up the week I worked on Stephen King's House. Soooo many black stitches on this piece! I feel like I may NEVER finish it but I am making some progress. I was trying to finish all the black first but I think I may put some color in it next time.

Ended up with 238 stitches

Well that is it for the week, only four pieces but a little under 800 stitches for the week. I hope next week will be better for me. 

So THANKS for stopping by. I may be slow in answering your emails but I do appreciate them and I am answering them slowly. So until the next time; please stay safe and keep that needle moving.


Manuela said...

Good progress on your wips.
I like stitching letters. They are going so fast.
Have a nice Sunday, Manuela

Robin in Virginia said...

Oh Faith, I think you made super progress this week. All those stitches in are less that you have to stitch. Have a blessed Sunday and a wonderful upcoming week.

diamondc said...

Hello Faith: I wish it were in the 80s here the warmer it is the better I feel.
Long May She Wave a lovely design, the Heaven and Earth designs are so intense, maybe someday I will try one, your have made great progress on the snowman.
Congratulations on your progress.


James Bailey said...

Great work. Digitizing Services Good.

butterfly said...

Great progress . love the snowman.
Enjoy your week hugs June.