Sunday, October 06, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 10/06/24

Hello Everyone! I am glad you made it here. 

We are still having record making days of high temperatures here! As much as I love the heat, I think I am ready for some cooler weather. Everyone you talk to is miserable and I think it is because they can't spend any time outdoors. When we meet at our local mall to stitch it is crowded with people trying to stay cool while getting out of the house. 

There is not much more happening on my end. How is it going with all of you? I hope all is well with everyone. 

So I would like to show you my stitching for the last week. 

The first thing I stitched was the Vase of Flowers. I needed to stitch something with water. Although you can't actually see the water it is a given that there will be some for the flowers.  I can't believe how many stitches there are in this small piece! I feel like I will never finish the blue background. 

Vase of Flowers
Progress 09/30/24
Added another 204 stitches

Then the next day I was to stitch on a WIP that has shifted my focus away from my older WIPs and lately that has been the Stephen King House. I am very anxious to get started on Stephen King's characters so I am sticking this chart in anywhere I can! 

Stephen King House
Progress 10/01/24
added 107 stitches

After that I needed to stitch on a WIP with something scary in it. Personally Dinosaurs are pretty scary to me. If I was somewhere and saw one I don't know what kind of reaction I would have besides trying to get as far away from them as I could! How about you?? 

Flumpkins X Stitchers
Artist - Stephen Michael Gardner
Progress 10/03/24
110 stitches added over two days

Then I need a WIP that represents something I dream about. This was a tough one but they didn't say it couldn't be a day dream! I am constantly thinking about the temperatures and the books that will go on the shelves. The way I see it all the books are going to be one stinking color because our temperatures here hover around the same numbers day in and day out. I do think I have an idea though so stay tuned to see what it is going to be! 

Temperature Library
Kristi’s Corner Needlework (Etsy)
Designer - Kristi DiClemente
Progress 10/04/24
Added 345 stitches!!

So that brought me to the prompt that wants me to stitch on a WIP that contains something that can be found in, or represents California. Well this is a new piece, that is now a WIP! When you travel through the Southwest states of USA you will find tons of cacti because we are located in the desert. I live in Arizona and the Saguaro Cactus are a protected plant meaning there are laws in place that prevent theft or destruction of a Saguaro. If they interfere with private construction projects, state permits are required to move the specimen out of the way. They also have a respected place among native people in Arizona. Sorry I went off in a different direction! 

Santa Fe Christmas
Jeanette Crews Designs, Inc.
no link for her
Progress 10/05/24
started with 213 stitches

Well that about covers everything in my week. Once again thanks for stopping by!

Enjoy your week and I hope you get in some stitching!

💜   ðŸ’œ   ðŸ’œ

Sunday, September 29, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 09/29/24

Hello Everyone! First off I want to say I have been praying that all the people on the East coast are safe and sound after Helene came through their area. Some of the damage that I saw of North Carolina  was horrifying and I hope that everyone will get the help they need soon. 

So on a lighter note ~ what is everyone up too? I hope it involves some kind of crafting while you were enjoying the last few days of Summer. It is now Fall here but we are still breaking record highs. I wish that Mother Nature could get back on the right weather track but that is another story for another time and place. 

I have been doing some stitching; some good and some not so good. I don't understand what is going on with me but I hope that I am able to get back on the correct path too.

So here comes the stitches!! 

I started off the week with a FINISH of one of my smaller stitches. I would like to put a saying on this piece so if you have a good idea let me know

Rabbit Silhouettes
Finish 09/22/24
The last 125 stitches were stitched YAY!

After that one of the prompts I had was to stitch something YELLOW. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to stitched one of the lines in the Twisted Rainbow! 

Twisted Rainbow Sampler

Progress 009/23/24
Added 207 yellow stitches

The next day I worked on a favorite of mine even if it is taking a long time! 

Temperature Library
Designer - Kristi DiClemente
Progress 09/24/24
210 stitches added - that is seven shelves stitched with five to go!

Next on the list is a Christmas design!

String of Lights Christmas Tree
Artist - Ruth
Progress 09/25/24
231 Stitches in Lights!!

Now for another Christmas design!

The Enchanted Christmas Snowman
Progress 09/26/24
Added 102 stitches this week.

And now for the BIG MESS of the week...

2024 Blackwork SAL

I was getting ready to stitch on this piece but when I was looking at it something seemed a little off on the right side of the design. Soooo I counted and counted and counted one more time only to discover that the box the arrow is pointing too is one stitch short for the height! I think I was getting a little anxious because that was the marker that I used for stitching every other thing on the lower half of the design. So I said now what!? The answer came from that little place in my sane brain and it said you obviously have to frog the entire thing and start over. I had to take out 798 single stitches which counts as 399 blackwork stitches. It took me TWO days but it is all out and ready for some more stitching but NOT TODAY! If it is lucky, then maybe one day this week it will get some attention.

Now it is time for me to go stitch on something and hopefully concentrate and be mistake free!

Thanks for checking out my stitching progress!
I appreciate and look forward to your company and comments each week.
💜💜💜     ðŸ’œ   ðŸ’œ   ðŸ’œ     ðŸ’œðŸ’œðŸ’œ

Sunday, September 22, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 09/22/24

Happy Fall Everyone! I hope that you have had a great week. Fall weather will be moving in soon and the hot days will be fading away until next year and I am getting sad already.

Last week there was nothing exciting going on and I think my life is FINALLY calming down and getting back to where it belongs ~ thank goodness. So, with that said...let me show you my curren stitches! 

We started the week off with these shamrocks

Lucky Shamrocks
Progress 09/15/24
288 stitches added

Long May You Stitch
Lucy Beam from
Progress 09/16/24
added 210 stitches

Quilt Block Sampler
Artist - Loretta Oliver
Progress 09/17/24
added 226 stitches

Stephen King House
Progress 09/18/24
237 stitches were added to the top floor of the house

Vase of Flowers

Progress 09/19/24
Added another 204 stitches
Just the blue background has to be finished.

Sweet and Spooky

Progress 09/20/24
Added some of the sun and the
beginning of a sucker with 237 stitches

Flowers of the Month
January, Carnation
Progress 09/21/24
205 stitched were added
Went to continue working on February but I found out it was started in the wrong place then I couldn't get the floss out so I started the January square instead. That was not a fun way to end the week! 

whew....that is it for the stitching!
Hope I didn't bore you to much!!

I hope to have a lot of these stitch packed weeks so
come back next week and see what I have accomplished!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 09/15/24

Hello There! Did you miss me?  Sorry, I just couldn't motivate myself to do anything for the last couple of weeks. I did stitch but some days it took some real effort to do it and I would be glad to get at least a few stitches in. But I think that I am feeling a bit better now so...I'm back! 

So let me show you what I have been doing this week.

So last Sunday I worked on The Flower A Day chart. 

The Flower A Day
This time I added 106 stitches on 09/08/24.

Small Christmas Ornaments
On 09/09 I added 203 stitches on these two cuties, they only need
the backstitch on them now. and then there are two more to go.

Armada Designs
Metroid was finally finished on 09/10 and is only took 147 additional stitches to
finish it. Next time I work on the Nintendo piece I will probably start on Castlevania.

Long May You Stitch
Lucy Beam from
Just making stripes is pretty boring so I am glad they made this chart like the flag
is actually waving. It broke up the lines a little so it wasn't as boring! 203 stitches
added on 09/11 though I probably should have stitched this on 09/12 to honor the day.

One Hundred Days of Tiny
Also added these 101 stitches on 09/11 to what looks like a balancing act.

I Stitch Sampler
Rhona Norrie
I feel like the more I stitch on this piece,
the longer it is taking even if I did add
121 stitches! Progress 09/12/24

Stephen King House
Now this is a chart I really can't wait to stitch up all the scenes in
the house! I will be so glad when I get all the room outlines
stitched up so that I can put everything into those rooms!
Added 207 stitched on 09/13/24

Sweet and Spooky

And now we are finally at 09/14/24!
I added 128 stitches to this one but it doesn't look like it will be ready for Halloween.

Well thanks for stopping by to see if I finally posted and then for reading this to the end.
Come back next week and we will do it all over again!