Sunday, January 12, 2025

My Sunday Stitchy Update 01/12/25

Welcome Friends! I hope you are having a great week. I am good and thankful. I had a crazy week but I came out of it on a positive note. 

If you are in the LA area I do hope you are in a safe space and I am definitely praying for you. Seeing all the devastation is truly heartbreaking and unbelievable. Please stay safe! 

So now let's move on to some happy news... the stitching! 

So the first thing I stitched was a new start! Because that was just what I needed, one more thing to stitch. I actually have a couple of other new small pieces lined up for January and then I want to concentrate on the pieces I have in the pile already before anything else gets started. I hope I can stick to that promise to  myself. 

So I found this piece in the Winter 2024 edition of the Just CrossStitch magazine and thought it fit my current mood so I added it to my stitching list. It also fit into my BBRINGO prompt called for the day which was number 14 "Stitch something with a bird." I think this bird is so cute! 

Love is Patient
Dirty Annie's
Just Cross Stitch Magazine
So I got a start of 102 stitches.

So the next BRRINGO number called was 16 and that prompt was "Stitch something that intimidates you." So I moved over to the rainbow because sometimes doing the line on the diagonal gets me confused so I need to stitch a little slower so I can make sure I am stitching in the right place. I do love this piece though with the vibrant colors and how she switched from one color to another. 

Added 150 twisted stitches

So on Wednesday the BRRINGO number caller called number 18. That prompt was "Stitch something that makes you want to bundle up", which is something I never want to have to do again but stitching it is ok! So this Winter SAL was the perfect fit for this one.

Designer - Alyssa
I drew some arrows to the area I stitched because it is hard to see.
I added 146 stitches to this one.

The next day the number 9 was called and it was an easy decision for me because I have been wanting to work on this one! The prompt was 'Stitch something that has a border' which led me to the Blackwork SAL!

I did manage to get in 100 stitches.

So after working on one of my favorites, I ended up moving to the one I dreaded. The number called was number 25 which was 'Stitch something with more than ten colors.' I had assigned the Dinosaurs to that number but with all the confetti I dread doing this one. 

I only managed 30 stitches in over two hours but 30 is 30 more than before.

Then for the last one of the week she called number 15. This number called for me to "Stitch something that you were inspired to start by someone else (tell us who inspired you!)" so it was another easy pick!  Tia, my daughter inspired me to do this one for her because she loves the Stephen King movies. She found it online and sent it to me asking could I do it for her and who am I to say I wouldn't stitch it for her!? 

It received 120 stitches.

So that is it for the week. Lots of little additions to many different pieces, but progress is progress. I hope to make some good progress next week. 

I am STILL cleaning up my stitchy stash which seems to take a long time but it took an even longer time to accumulate all this stuff. I guess trying to be realistic about what you will stitch in the future is time consuming, I hope to get through some more stuff again this week but will I ever be happy when I am finished. 

I hope you have a great week and don't forget to make some time for yourself!
Stay safe!!

See you next Sunday! 

Monday, January 06, 2025

My Sunday Stitchy Update 01/05/25

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you are having a great 2025 so far and it will continue on that path. Everything is going well here. We have had another warm week though this week we will going down to the fifties for our high temperatures, I guess that means that our winter is finally creeping in. 

This week I worked a couple of days stitching on the Penguin but I changed fabrics before I continued so I could actually see what I was doing! 

Progress 12/31/24
This ended up with 333 stitches

Then on the first BRRINGO started in one of my groups. No, I don't know why it is called or spelled that way but it is a cute word. But anyways it is like bingo but instead of numbers you have 25 prompts that are cross stitch related. You arrange them on your bingo card however you want to. Then the caller calls out a prompt number so you know where to stitch. Then you stitch whatever that prompt was an you mark it off. The only thing is we have to have full coverage and then she draws the winners name from all the full coverage cards. I just like the fun of it though and seeing what everyone else is stitching.

So the first number called was 14 and the prompt said "Stitch something that reminds you of a family picnic". I looked through my magazines and found a set of seasonal quilts. I decided to stitch one of them because whenever we went on a picnic my Mom would always bring an old quilt for us to sit on. 

Seasonal Quilts, Autumn
Susan Powell of Laurel Susan Studio.
JCS Autumn 2024, p29
This one received 275 stitches

The next day the prompt called was 22 and it said "Stitch something of your choice" and I think that is my favorite prompt since I can just stitch on anything! So I pulled out the Stephen King House so I  could get in some stitches on it. I really want to finish the house so I can get started on the characters! 
Put in 185 stitches while it was out.

On Friday the 3rd they wanted us to "stitch something that reminds you of growth." Well I couldn't think of anything when I was filling out the sheet showing what I would stitch. But when I woke up the next day I thought why can't I use one of the flower designs. I picked one and said something like the flowers are always blooming which means they are always growing.

The Flower A Day
Carolyn Manning
Managed to get in 185 stitches in the garden.

Then came Saturday! The prompt said the I should "Stitch something from my favorite designer!" So today my favorite designer is Peppermint Purple! I have noticed that the trouble with picking my favorite cross stitch anything is that my favorite keeps changing constantly! That is probably why I have so much stash. Oh well. you only live once. 

Peppermint Purple
I stitched 90 (180) stitches. 
I swear one day this border will be finished

Which brings us to today! YaY!! Today is another flower day. Prompt 10 said to "Stitch something with flowers" and I just so happen to have a piece with flowers! Imagine that! So I pulled out Flowers of the Month by EMS Designs. I am still working on the carnation and it is certainly trying to be difficult! 
January, Carnation
I only got in 77 stitches today but progress is progress no matter how much I stitch.

Well that is that! This post turned out to be way longer than I thought it would be.

Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you will do it again next Sunday!!

Enjoy your week.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

My Sunday Stitchy Update 12/29/24

Well hello everyone. Welcome to the last Sunday of 2024! Sometimes it seemed as though the days just went by so slowly I had to push them to get them over the hump to the next one and other times they went by so quickly I don't even remember seeing them come or go!

I hope 2025 brings a lot of laughter and happiness to everyone's lives. I am look forward to seeing what everyone is doing and creating in this upcoming year. 

So this week in stitching, I had one new start and put in lots of of stitches on my blackwork piece. 

As many of you may already know, I stitch lots of penguins for my grandson. So I made a small start on a new one for him.  It will be something I can do at stitching because it won't take a lot of concentration. 

Penguin Ice Slide
Daily Cross Stitch
Progress 12/23/24
put in 182 stitches

Then I decided to add some more to the 2024 PP Blackwork SAL. I am still trying to finish the border since I had so many problem with it, I am being extra careful stitching it this time. 

Added 182 stitches this time

Then I didn't know what I wanted to stitch so I just reached in the box and pulled out something which ended up being a Halloween piece. I did some work on the Witch's Hat.
I have it 129 stitches.

Then for the end of the week I thought some flowers might brighten things up. Unfortunately the only parts I got to were leaves, leaves and more leaves! It looks like I have to wait for the other carnation before I get any color here so all I need is patience! 

Flowers of the Month
January, Carnation
Added 103 stitches to the carnation.

So that is what I did this week. This week I did not work on any prompts and I think I feel better and more relaxed already! Now if the rest of life would just fall in line too then everything could be perfect!

So as always I would like to thank everyone who stopped by!

I love that you come by to see what I am up to. I hope to see you again next week!

Have a safe and happy new year and I will see you in 2025!

Sunday, December 22, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 12/22/24

Hello Everyone! I hope you are all ready for the holidays. If not, you don't have very much time to get ready! I was finishing my ornaments this week but ran into a few problems so I can't show them yet. I will explain the problems next week when I have them ready; I just don't know what I was thinking. 

I have decided to drop two of the groups I am in, the one with the prompts in and another similar group for 2025. I will finish out the year then that is it. I think I will only do the two groups with the acrostics instead. The groups I am leaving seem to be taking up a lot of my time because I feel I have to get all the prompts or other activities complete and lately it is making me not want to stitch or do anything else. There are more things than just that swaying my decision but they are not that important to anyone but me. So anyways ~ let's get down to the important business!

I did get in some stitching this week so let me show you what I managed to accomplish!

I added 103 stitches

100 stitches added to this one

Stitched an additional 103 stitches

Put in an additional 201 stitches

And that was it for the week!

Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope that everyone
has a blessed Christmas and that Santa brings you the gift of your dreams.

Love to all