Sunday, March 23, 2025

My Sunday Stitchy Update 03/16/25

The weather has been nice this week. Mostly we have been in the 80s, which I love! Well, nothing exciting is going on here, which I also love! I like it when it is nice and quiet. That gives me plenty of stitching time. 

But I don't feel like I got in many Xs for the week. I did stitch a few different projects, so let me show them to you. 

The first one was Long May You Stitch. While I was stitching, I was also watching the news and listening to if helped me decide to change this piece from STITCH to WAVE. With all the turmoil here in the US I thought this was much more appropriate. 

Lucy Beam

I put 254 stitches in this one

After that I worked on the snowman for a couple of days. I am starting to really see a difference in this one when I stitch it! That is so encouraging to me. Before when I didn't notice a difference, it was discouraging so I would skip over it and leave it in the WIP Box.

I added 159 stitches this time 

Then since I was already stitching winter, I decided to just keep the theme going and I pulled out the Winter SAL for a day. I am getting close to the bottom on it but I will need to go back and put in all the stars, snowflakes and a little back stitch. 

Designer - Alyssa
144 stitches were added here

And then to wrap up the week I worked on Stephen King's House. Soooo many black stitches on this piece! I feel like I may NEVER finish it but I am making some progress. I was trying to finish all the black first but I think I may put some color in it next time.

Ended up with 238 stitches

Well that is it for the week, only four pieces but a little under 800 stitches for the week. I hope next week will be better for me. 

So THANKS for stopping by. I may be slow in answering your emails but I do appreciate them and I am answering them slowly. So until the next time; please stay safe and keep that needle moving.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

My Sunday Stitchy Update 03/16/25

Welcome to another week!  I hope you had a great week and that you did not get any of the bad snow storms and tornadoes that have been going around. We have only had colder temperatures here and they made me miss my winter jacket!  I gave it away when we left Illinois and headed for warmer days! Hopefully the warm days will come back soon. 

Well the colder days are good for something! Sitting in front of the TV with the remote, a cup of hot coffee and some stitching. So let's see what I was able to do with those distractions in mind.

The first thing I stitched this week was this cute piece with the quilt on it. I have always been drawn to quilt designs and I think that is because of their symmetrical elements; though I haven't really stitched any because they never really fit in with the "decor" of our home. This time I decided I was going to stitch it anyway. I will just need to find a spot for them when I am finished. 

I was able to put 446 stitches on this in two days.

Then I moved over to Jacob's Penguin. He is coming along nicely but it feels like he is turning into a chicken instead of a penguin! Hopefully he will switch back with the next stitch. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Penguin Ice Slide
Daily Cross Stitch

 The penguin got 200 stitches!

After that I decided that the Stitch / Stash piece needed some attention. That purple flower was not looking to promising. Thankfully, I found that it was four stitches to high! So darn it, I had to rip it out so I could reposition it. I didn't get to the purple flower but I think it will be stitched during the next session. Guess I should buy the beads that I will use in place of the french knots now!

I Stitch Sampler
Rhona Norrie
I put in 273 stitches on this.

Then I thought I would work on the kitty! I love this picture and the saying is a good reminder for people; have patience, take a minute and breath! The world is such a fast and busy place.

Just Cross Stitch Magazine

I did make 202 stitches for the kitty. 

So that is it for the week.

I am thankful you were able to stop by for a quick minute or two to see what I have been doing. I hope you have a wonderful week coming up and you are able to get in lots of stitching.  I am off to decided on somethings to stitch for the next week.

Stay safe and keep stitching.
๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ     ๐Ÿ’œ   ๐Ÿ’œ   ๐Ÿ’œ     ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ
Love you guys

Sunday, March 09, 2025

My Sunday Stitchy Update 03/09/25

Happy Sunday Everyone.  I hope that you had a great week and were able to get in lots of crafting time. I didn't do anything very exciting this week so on with the stitching! 

It is the start of a new month so I have lots of acrostics and things to work with! ๐Ÿ˜„ The first prompt I decided to work with on Sunday was the letter E. So I picked out the Flowers of the Month because it is by Ellen Maurer-Stroh.


Added 160 stitches

After that I thought I should stitch on some more flowers! So I picked up my other flowery piece, The Flower A Day. This one satisfied two different prompts; the first was "Something spring-like" which is what flowers are and the second was the letter S which I also used the word spring for. 
Managed to plant 119 stitches this week.

After that I was flowered out so I decided to move on to something else. We had a couple of pretty chilly days here so I moved on to three prompts that reflected colder weather. They were for the Winter SAL piece I have. I would need to do these over two days because two of the prompts were on the same list. 

The first day I worked on the prompts for the designer Alyssa of Stitchonomy and "Something that isn't water but is the color of water" which is the color of the fabric.  On the second day the prompt was "Something that represents time". I didn't have anything like watches or clocks but I think that this will fit in! 

Designer - Alyssa
Added 217 and 230 stitches respectfully 

Then I closed up the week on Saturday with two prompts. The first was the letter N which I applied to the designer Northern Expressions Needlework. The second prompt is "Something that's a golden color." Well I only have one piece that can apply to both of these and here it is...

Designer - Nicole Dostal
Added 204 stitches to this one.

And that wraps up the stitching for the week!

I have been looking for and finding floss all throughout the house and I don't understand how it gets here and there and everywhere! So this week I have been TRYING to dedicate my time to cleaning up my floss stash and putting everything where it belongs. It has not been an easy task which is probably why it is in all the wrong places. I still have more to do but I hope to be finished with it this week! 

And no, I haven't found any ornaments for this year so I will still have to look for some; but I have to FOCUS on looking for them.

Have a wonderful week friends!
Thank you very much for stopping by!
I am going to go find something to stitch now

and I hope you stay safe and keep stitching.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

My Sunday Stitchy Update 03/02/25

Hi everyone, welcome to my little space in the clouds. I hope you are having a great weekend. 

This week I only stitched on three different projects because of the short month. So what I am trying to say is this should a quick post! 

So last Sunday I stitched my little fingers off so that I could have a finish on this dog piece and success was achieved! YAY, IT'S A FINISH!!  I think that this piece will just get a hoop finish. 

Put in the last 209 stitches.

Then on Monday and Tuesday I pulled out this Halloween piece and continued working on the ghost witches hat. When you look at the hat it doesn't look like a lot of stitches but it is always more than you think it is. Hopefully this will be finished by Halloween!

So I managed to get in 161 stitches.

After that I thought I could get in some fills on the blackwork piece. The problem with stitching this piece is that the fabric has a lot of stretch to it so the lines never seem right to me. I am constantly taking the stitches out and redoing them all to try and make them look better. I wish I could remember the name of the fabric so that I will never buy it again. I love the hand dying it though! I hope that when I start the 2025 version of this I have better luck with the fabric I choose.

I did add in 467 (934) stitches though!

Something fun happened this week. While we are stitching in the mall people are always stopping by to see what we are doing and they often talk about their own crafts and the experiences they had/have with them. So one Tuesday evening while we were stitching two teen girls came over to look. They were very interested and said they would be back soon. I didn't really pay any attention to it as many people say that but we never see them again. But to my surprise, the girls and their grandma came back on Friday morning, and both of the girls were carrying a small kit they would like to learn to stitch with. One of the ladies in our group sat with them and taught them how to get started by getting the fabric ready and reading the pattern. Those girls really took to it and loved it! 
These are their pictures after about an hour of stitching and I think they did a great start. 
Looks like this will be the next generation of cross stitching.

So anyways, I need to go find some Christmas ornaments for the family but looking on Etsy is so time consuming because I have to see everything!! Then I get distracted and no ornaments are found.

So that is it for this week.

Thank you very much for stopping by!
I am going to go enjoy some stitching
time now, so until we meet again.

Stay safe and keep that needle moving.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

My Sunday Stitchy Update 02/23/25

Good Morning Friends!  It has been a warm week here in Tucson and I am enjoying it! I talked to both of my brothers and one was expecting  inches of snow and the other expecting between six and nine inches and it was -7 degrees! I have experienced enough of those temperatures in my day to feel cold just by mentioning it! I am so glad I don't have to deal with them anymore. Though those temperatures do encourage staying in the house and stitching!

Do you prefer the cold or hot weather? By now I am sure you know I like the heat and the hotter the better! 

Luckily for me I still managed to stitch and here are my results!  

First on Sunday, I continued on the Enchanted Christmas Snowman from the day before. I am so glad I got this one organized for myself finally and I think I will finally make some decent progress on it. 

Added 103  stitches on 02/16/25.

After that I pulled out an oldie from the WIP Box that I love! I didn't stitch to much on it but I did get some stitching in on it. I love the way it looks when stitched.
Designer - Nicole Dostal
Put in 137 stitches on 02/17/25

Then I thought, it was time for a Christmas piece! It is just a simple piece but I think it is kinda cute and it will make a nice pillow to decorate with for the holiday. 

Artist - Ruth
I added to the lights with 187 stitches.

The next day I was pretty sleepy but I thought I should get in a few stitches so I could keep my streak going (1,146 consecutive days and still going!) so I picked up the rainbow. 

I only managed 42 stitches but they count!

The next day I decided to work on the Nintendo block for  couple of days. This is another one I really need to get moving on! So many pieces I have to stitch, but NEVER enough time. 

I got in 121 stitches on this piece. 

Now I am working on the Temperature Library. I finally finished the shelves and now I have to fill them up! I took out the skull for October because after discussing it with Tia; I am going to put the shelves in differently then the designer did.  

I want to rip out the stitches around the space on the very top also, so I can add more than the year for the date but I will need to see if they come out easily on this fabric. If not I will have to think of something else to do. 

Oh I almost forgot! I ordered a Needle Organizer for myself and I am overjoyed with it. I ordered it from the Etsy store Embrcraft. The shop owner was very nice and so easy to work with and answers questions promptly. 

Needle Organizer

This is the front.

He personalizes it with your name or whatever you
want there. He also has different fonts available.

This is the top of the organizer.
It has space for 100 needles. The holes are prenumbered so I will just 
put the numbers from the organizer on to my color key for easy reference. 

And this is the back of the organizer.
If you have a favorite saying, you can put it on the back instead of your
name on the front. I asked him could I have both the front and back
personalized and he was more than happy to accommodate me.

I highly recommend him! He also has other items for needleworkers for yourself
or a gift for a friend if you would like to take a peek here is his store's link

I am not receiving anything in exchange for this endorsement;
I am just a happy and satisfied customer.

Well, that is another week over, done with, gone.

I would like to thank you for stopping by and seeing what I have been doing this week.

Please stay safe and keep stitching and see you again soon!
๐Ÿ’œ   Love  to you all!   ๐Ÿ’œ