Friday, August 11, 2017

Birthday Mayhem

Well lookie here...another puzzle finish in the same week!

As you probably figured, this puzzle was extremely easy!

Birthday Mayhem
First Piece - 08/07/17
Last Piece - 08/09/17
Piece Count - 550
Size - 18 x 24

Now to get some stitching in!

Thanks for stopping by,
see ya next time!


Brigitte said...

This would be another great picture by Jane Wooster Scott to be turned into a cross stitch chart. But maybe it already exists.

Linda said...

Cute finish Faith. I absolutely love doing jigsaw puzzles but I don't do anything else when I'm working on one.


Anonymous said...

Great job on the puzzle! Love the house!!

RJ said...

Love this puzzle Faith. You should frame it.