Sunday, December 30, 2018

Christmas Puzzles 12/30/18

Despite being so busy in the cross stitch part of my life I did manage to work up two Christmas puzzles.

The first one is:

Santa's Big Night
Artist - RJ McDonald
Piece Count - 1,000
Size 24 x 30
New Puzzle
First Piece 12/01/18
Last Piece 12/07/18

and the next was:

A Very Merry Christmas
Christmas #6
This is the box top

and here is the solution

Piece Count - 1,000
Size 27 x 19
Preowned Puzzle
First Piece - I have no idea when I started it!
Last Piece 12/29/18

So for the year the grand total was...
That is 34 puzzles for a total of  34,276 pieces!

Thanks for stopping by,
see ya next time I'm puzzled,
which seems like a lot of days lately!


Anonymous said...

The Santas puzzle is amazing! Well done!
The box top of the puzzle is so diferent from the solution! Is a fun puzzle! And this puzzle is from "Jumbo", it is a big supermarket here...

You did wonderful with so many puzzles! Waiting for the next one! Happy New Year!

Katie said...

Great finishes. Wow that's a lot of puzzles. Great job.

Bethan said...

The wasgij puzzles seem nightmarish! Great puzzling this year x