Sunday, December 30, 2018

My Sunday Stitchy Update 12/30/18

Hello Friends!

I do hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and got to do exactly what you wanted to do whatever that consisted of! We had a great day at home eating to much food while watching Christmas movies and playing with our new things.

Ever since the big rush to finish the ornaments I have not felt much like stitching so I worked on a piece that required no concentration at all. This is also my car project, the borders for the calendar.

Fun Every Day

I have also been bobbinating and going thru my stash to clean it up and reorganize it. Success!! It is all neat and tidy once again.

My WIP Box
of 19 projects

So anyways, a while ago Tia saw this saying on FaceBook and told me she would love to hang this in her new office. I said 'Oh, that is nice and it would probably look great in your office' and didn't say anything else about it.  Instead I got to work charting it out and adding a few elements to it. Once I was satisfied with it; I stitched it up for her! I decided to name it Power as I think we all need the power to help us thru situations and take control of them. She was totally surprised when I gave it to her for Christmas and I was only to happy to surprise her!

Designer - Faithfully Stitching Designs
Author - Unknown
First Stitch 09/25/18
Finished 09/28/18

And now I am happy to present
my 2018 ORTament!

Thanks for all your comments and
support during this past year,
I truly appreciate them all!

Thanks for taking a peek at my stitching
see ya next week with another faithful update!


Rachel said...

Isn't it lovely when you still get progress out of mindless stitching?! I'd love to see more of those calendar tags next year(?)
Power is fantastic; if more people took time to think things through instead of having knee-jerk reactions the world would be a better place.
Love your ORTament too! I've seen someone do the same with their DMC thread labels (but it was a while ago and I can't remember who).
Happy New Year to you all. :)

Anonymous said...

The "power" piece is lovely, Faith! Great work on designing and stitching it, such a nice gift for your the fabric colour too!

The ortament is amazing, so many orts ;)

Have a wonderful New Year! Happy New Year to you and your family!

Katie said...

Sometimes it's really nice to just take a thinking break isn't it? I'm glad you had a piece that worked for that. I swear the reorganizing takes forever doesn't it haha. Looks great though. I love the Power piece you made. Perfect. We all need to remember that.

Cathy said...

I could probably get more done if I had more mindless stitching to do!

Your Power piece is wonderful and what a nice thing to do for your friend.

I've probably got enough orts to make at least two ortaments (from a couple of years); I guess I may have to get busy.

Astrids dragon said...

Gotta love those car projects, all that time adds up!
Good for you organizing your WIP box, I know I need to do mine and I keep putting it off.
Your design looks great, so nice that you could surprise her with it!
Yay for the ORT ball, I have one I need to add to too.

RJ said...

Love your power piece Faith. And your ort ornament is adorable. Glad you had a great Christmas. RJ