Friday, January 25, 2019

January Smalls SAL

Here in the stitching world we know that all finishes are something to be celebrated and so I love reading the posts regarding the Smalls SAL. I thought that this year I would join in the fun with the hopes that it would encourage me to get more of my small projects stitched up and out of the someday pile! 

But first I would like to say THANK YOU to Mary of Mary's Thread for hosting this SAL! 

This month I stitched up two small pieces that I would like to share with you!

The first is the January section of the Mini Bunnies Series

and the second is the first section of Horrific Halloween.

If you would like to see what everyone else has stitched for their small project
or maybe join in the fun please visit Mary's page Mary's Thread!  

I hope to be back with more smalls on February 22nd!

Thanks for stopping by and
I hope to see you there!! 


Rachel said...

Yay! Well done for taking the plunge to use your pieces to join in a SAL! I love them both. :)

Linda said...

Congrats on the cute finishes Faith. Love them both.


Pamela said...

Nice finishes!

RJ said...

Really love your small bunnies, Faith. I need to go read about the Smalls SAL. It sounds like fun. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

Mary said...

So glad to have a new blogger join in on the fun. I love the bunnies; I did that series last year and loved it. I have the same Stoney Creek patterns and I hope to start it in a few months. Can't wait to see your progress.


I saw the bunnies in a magazine lately and I want to stitch them for my granddaughter. Congrats on your finishes.

Manuela said...

Wonderful finishes. The bunnies are very cute.
Happy Weekend. Manuela

Anonymous said...

Two beautiful pieces!!

Katie said...

Glad to see you joining in the smalls fun. Joined in with two great finishes already. Wohoo! Keep it up!

Carol said...

Both are so cute, Faith--love that bunny and snowman :)

FlashinScissors said...

Two cut pieces, Faith! Love the bunny and snowman especially!
Barbara xx

Astrids dragon said...

I love the Mini Bunnies series, your January looks great!
And Halloween, of course that's fabulous!
These will be nice to see every month.

Meari said...

Looks good, Faith!

Mary's Thread said...

What cute little finishes you have! Thank you for joining the SAL!

Robin in Virginia said...

Both finishes look super, Faith! I really like the January bunny stitch. I like the fabric that you tea-dyed. Did you use all tea or a mix of tea and coffee?

Sheryl said...

Two cute finishes Faith and such a good idea to join this group and get some smalls stitched and finished.