Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Tusal RepORT February 2019

It is time for the new moon (I'm a little late) and the TUSAL RepORT!

TUSAL stands for the "Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long
where we show our ORTs (Old Ratty Threads) for all to see. 

I empty out my jar at New Years and make an ORTament. Since this is close to the beginning of the year my ort jar is pretty empty but I do have something to show!

To find out more about the TUSAL
head on over to It's Daffycat's blog!

Come join the fun!!

Thanks for stopping by,
and come see my new ORTs on
the next new moon, March 6th.


RJ said...

I need to do this...I can imagine how quickly it would add up. Happy stitching and ort collecting Faith. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

Rachel said...

That's a fair amount for one month's work and, given your plans for the year, it won't take long to fill up! :)

Katie said...

Great ORTs hope they continue to grow.

Anonymous said...

Your jar is beautiful! :)

diamondc said...

Better late then never, giggles.


Penny Post said...

Looking back through your blog at all the stitching you have done I can only assume that is one very big jar for that many threads to look that small in it.

StitchThrifty said...

Great Ort's! Quite a few in there for one month! Have a very stitchy February!

FlashinScissors said...

Gosh, great ORTs! Lots for one month!
I hadn't been cross stithing much in January and have forgotten to post my TUSALs for a while. (Note to self: must do better! Tee hee!)
I hope it's sunny tomorrow and I can take some photos.
Love your jar!
Barbara xx