Sunday, July 28, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 07/28/24


I hope you had a great stitching week. All in all mine was pretty good. We had some decent storms finally but a few were accompanied by some microbursts. A lot of trees have been uprooted and there were downed power lines in other places. Tornados and microbursts are very rare occurrences here but I guess that there are no more usual weather patterns. You just get what you get! 

So on to the stitching! 

I added a couple of days of  stitches to one of the Durene Jones' pieces.

Vase of Flowers
Durene Jones
Progress 07/25/24
230 stitches

Then the Instagram Stitching Olympics started! 

Stitching Olympics Day 1 prompt:
Today we are to either have a “New Start or Stitch Something Started in 2024”

So.... I started something new this week!  Tia (daughter) saw this and asked for it to be stitched for her. Who am I to say NO? 😆

Stephen King House

First Stitch 07/21/24
Progress 07/26/24
400 stitches

This is the far left column of stitches.  If you have neem following me for a while you probably noticed that I prefer to stitch the outlines of different area before I do the insides. That is so I can make sure everything lines up like it is supposed to! 

Stitching Olympics Day 2 prompt:
Stitch something patriotic for the country of your choice.

I picked up the flag project I started a couple of weeks ago. 

Long May You Stitch
Lucy Beam from

Progress 07/27/24
153 stitches

And that is the stitching for the week!
782 stitches

Well today's rain has just started. Perfect timing?
So I am going to go check out today's Stitching Olympic Event.

Thanks so much for stopping by,
see you next week with another faithful update!


butterfly said...

Nice new starts,for your Olympic stitching.
Our sunshine is here at last, but now I want to watch the sports ! you just can't win with this weather.
Sorry about your nasty weather.
Have a great week hugs June.

Manuela said...

Hello June,
two wonderful new starts. I'm looking what you stitch during the olympics games.
Have a nice week, Manuela

Robin in Virginia said...

You had a really good stitching week, Faith. I really like the flag piece you are working on.

Katie said...

I love that we are stitching this Olympics challenge together. Hugs sweetie. I love your beautiful stitching. I am enjoying these crazy challenges so much.

Carol said...

You're so correct, Faith--the weather everywhere is absolutely unpredictable these days. All of your projects are looking so cute. I love that your daughter asks you to stitch things for her :) The Olympics stitching looks like a great way to work on older WIPs. Hope your August is a good one! ♥