Sunday, August 04, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 08/04/24

Happy Sunday Everyone!  We have been having storms and power surges on and off all week so I will try to make this a quick post even if I do have about what seems like a million photos for this post! 

I stitched a different project each day because of the Stitching Olympics over on Instagram. So here we go!

Day 3, Stitch something related to summer

So even though I LOVE summer I found myself lacking any summer charts! Since we are encouraged to get creative with our selections this was what I came up with! I will be recording the summer temperature eventually! 

Kristi’s Corner Needlework (Etsy)
Designer - Kristi DiClemente

Progress 07/28/24
Added 204 stitches

Day 4, Stitch with a floss or on a fabric in a color from the Olympic rings; blue, yellow, black, green or red. 

My fabric is blue.

Winter 2024 SAL
Designer - Alyssa
Progress 07/29/24
Added 168 stitches

Day 5, Stitch something with water.

This is the only thing I had even resembling water, if you use your imagination! There is a vase with water in it for the flowers. 

Vase of Flowers
Progress 07/30/24
Added 106 stitches

Day 6, Stitch something that contains something round.

There will be lollipops which will be round!

Sweet and Spooky

Progress 07/31/24
Added 115 stitches

Day 7, Stitch on one of your oldest WIPs.

Well I  I had one in 2004 but I couldn't find it so this piece had to fill in for it because is the oldest one I could find. I started this one in 2011. I finished the June Flower last month and now moved on to the February one. 

Flowers of the Month
February, Violets
Designer - Ellen Maurer-Stroh
Progress 08/01/24
Added 208 stitches

Day 8, Stitch something with more than one person.

I took out the Stephen King House for this one. It will have a whole cast of characters from his movies! 

Stephen King House
Progress 08/02/24
210 stitches

Day 9, Stitch something with a row of something or a border.

All of these little ornaments will have borders around them when they are finished. 

Small Christmas Ornaments
Progress 08/03/24
127 stitches

And that is all the stitching! Thank goodness.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my weekly recap and thanks for hanging in there until the end.

Have a great week and I hope you get in lots of Xs.

💜💜    💜💜💜     💜   💜   💜     💜💜💜    💜💜


MartinaM said...

There's a lot to see at your Stitch Olympics. Great progress, it's like picking up something that's a bit older. I'm excited to see how it continues.
Have a nice day, Martina

butterfly said...

Lots of stitching going on there.
Enjoy hugs June.

Manuela said...

Lots of stitching on good progress on each one.
Have a nice stitching week.

Robin in Virginia said...

Well done, Faith! And thanks for including the before with the after pictures. Have a good week!

Katie said...

My update took forever too haha. Love all the beautiful stitching going on though so it's a winner. Having a blast with this challenge and all the many others haha.

Meari said...

You have been stitching up a storm, Faith. They all look great!

diamondc said...

Faith: nice progress on your WIPS, looking forward to seeing them all finished, love the vase of flowers.


Linda K's Stitching Corner said...

Wow....All of your Projects are so pretty have been busy...Beautiful Stitching

Take Care & Happy Stitching
Linda K, Buttercup

Carol said...

It was fun to see what you chose for each day of Olympic stitching, Faith! I'd be hard pressed to participate in this one as I only have one or two WIPs (which I may never finish having lost interest :) Hope your weekend is a good one--it's really cooled off here! ♥