Monday, August 12, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 08/11/24

Hi Stitchers! Glad to see you made your way over to my place.  We have been having lots of monsoon showers here which help cool off our area.

Once again I did stitching on a lot of different pieces this week! I never dreamed I would start stitching something different each day. But... my friend Katie introduced me to a group where you stitch different pieces throughout the week. It is sort of like an acrostic but they give you six different themes or suggestions and you pick out charts that can fit into those ideas. I find it interesting.

Anyways that means lots weekly of updating! I hope you don't mind! 😎 So here we go!! 

The week we started off with the Stephen King House. As you can see I am still "building" the structure and I think I may have to go out and buy lots more black floss!!  I will be happy to get this floor finished so I can move on. 

This piece was easy for Olympic day 
10! We had to stitch something with a house or building so what better than Stephen King's House. 

Stephen King House
The Witchy Stitcher
Progress 08/04/24
88 stitches

The next thing I stitched was The Flower A Day but only managed 65 stitches! I guess some days you just don't have the Xs in you!

For this piece we had to stitch something choreographed by our favorite designer. This one is probably a stretch but I thought that the flowers are beautifully arranged together which I counted that as choreography. 

The Flower a Day
Progress 08/05/24
65 stitches

After that I moved to a piece that doesn't really require a lot of concentration! YAY but I would love it finished. 

On the twelfth day of the Olympics we had to stitch something with an animal, Hopefully I will get to stitch the dog one day soon!

Home is Where the Dog Is
Progress 08/06/24
211 stitches added this week

Then I worked on the Winter SAL piece, It is kind of a fun piece maybe it is because of the color of the fabric. It is cheery maybe because it is a bright color! 

I worked on this piece for two days. On the first day I had to stitch something that is part of a SAL. On day two it was stitch towards your goal on any piece.  This is part of an SAL and I wanted to finish stitching the section I was working on so I continued on this piece. 

Winter 2024 SAL
Designer - Alyssa
Progress 08/09/24
366 stitches total

After that I worked on a game from my past, NINTENDO! I am currently working on Metroid. This is not my favorite game but hopefully this one will be finished next time I take it out. 

For this piece we had to stitch something you can’t “weight” you can’t  wait to work on. So basically you could just stitch on whatever piece you wanted to. 

Progress 08/08/24
222 stitches total

And that finally brings us to Spooky & Sweet. This is a cute one, if I can ever ever get it going!

On 08/11 We had to stitch something that is part of a series. This came in four separate sections.

Sweet and Spooky
Progress 08/10/24
Added 210 stitches

Well I want to say that once again, 
Thanks so much for stopping by,
see you next week with another faithful update!


Robin in Virginia said...

You had a good stitching week, Faith! Well done!

Katie said...

I know I know it's my fault haha. I love seeing you being a stitching maniac just like me though haha. Love all those beautiful progress photos though. Look at the stitching you got done! Wohoo!!

MartinaM said...

How nice to see the new progress, it seems to be a fun activity, with the daily change of projects, I think I would get confused.
Have fun, Martina

butterfly said...

Well done faith , with all your stitching .
Great fun Hugs June.

Manuela said...

You are very busy on your wips. Wonderful progress.
Have a nice week. Manuela