Sunday, August 18, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 08/18/24

Well Hello There! I hope you are doing great. I think I am doing good, well I can't complain anyways.

We have been having lots of rain which we always need but I am happy that it is considerate to wait until for the evenings to rain. Now if I could just get some sleep everything would be perfect! Oh well I guess you can't have everything! 

It looks like I had lots of stitching time this week but it didn't seem that way on a few of the days, so let me catch you up with what I have been doing. 

First up is The Flower A Day. I always love looking at this piece. It looks like a cascading flower bouquet with so many different flower designs and colors. I just wish I could stitch it FASTER! 

The Flower A Day

Progress 08/11/24
Added 140 stitches

Next is a piece that I have kept in the WIP Box for a long while! It hasn't come out since MARCH! I couldn't believe it and had to double check and yeah, haven't stitched on it since March! 

Shades of Gold
Designer - Nicole Dostal
Progress 08/12/24
Added 212 stitches

The next one is a another piece that hasn't received any love in quite a while, the last time I stitched on it was April! I couldn't believe it but it's true. So I pulled out my favorite colors and did a couple of hours of Xs on them. 

Rabbit Silhouettes
Progress 08/13/24
110 Stitches hopped in

After that I pulled out the I Stitch Sampler for a little stitching. They asked for something that is a guide in your life and I certainly think this is a guide for all stitchers!

I Stitch Sampler
Rhona Norrie
Stitches Stitched 140
Progress 08/14/24

Then it was stitching at the Mall day! That is a day when you can't stitch anything to complicated because there are so many things going on when we are together. Everybody has something to say or show and sometimes it is a bit of a distraction with lots of laughs and stories!  I figured how can hard can it be to make lines?? Turns out, not that hard!!

Long May You Stitch
Lucy Beam from
Progress 08/15/24
Put in 224 stitches

And now we finally made it to Saturday! I really need to get some more on these ornaments stitched or they will never be ready for Christmas. I started the Penguin also while I was still working on the Snowperson. I didn't get a lot done on either one of them but every little bit helps. 

Small Christmas Ornaments
Progress 08/17/24
Squeezed in 126 stitches to end the week
which makes 952 total stitches for the week.

So that brings us to the end of the week!

I hope that you have enjoyed seeing my stitching for the week.
So I would like to say thanks so much for stopping by,
and I hope I see you next week with another faithful update!

Now I have to go so I can start working on some stitching for the next post!
💜💜💜     ðŸ’œ   ðŸ’œ   ðŸ’œ     ðŸ’œðŸ’œðŸ’œ


butterfly said...

Great stitching added this week , I am getting stitch sick .
So short of time ,this Summer to add many stitches .
After holidays maybe more stitching ,will come .
Have fun hugs June.

Robin in Virginia said...

You had a really good stitching week, Faith. I always enjoy seeing what you have worked on during the week. Have a great upcoming week!

Carol said...

Sounds like you're happy with your rain, Faith. I'm right there with you on having trouble sleeping. It seems like every other night I find myself awake for hours on end :(

Your pieces are all looking so good. Glad the flag came together so well during your get-together. Really like that piece. Enjoy your day ♥

Katie said...

Love all the beautiful stitching. We got rain a bit over the weekend but now we are forecast to be bone dry again. We just can't get water in the pond. They do keep saying we are in for a cold wet winter.....Yeah we'll see about that.

Manuela said...

Hello Faith,
so many beautiful progress on your wips.
Have a nice week. Manuela