Sunday, October 27, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 10/27/24

Hi Friends! How are you doing this week? I'm doing great! This past week we actually had two days in the 70s! It was kind of nice not running the AC and having the door open for a while; ah... fresh air! I have really missed that! LOL Unfortunately we jumped right back into the 90s. Mother Nature can be such a tease! I see we are supposed to cool off this week but I hope not to cool for the trick or treaters! 

I hope you were able to get in some time for stitching. Any new starts or finishes? Last week I managed to get in some stitching, not much but all the Xs count! No finishes for me but I hope to get my ornaments finished soon so they will be ready for Christmas mailing. So lets see how I did at finding a piece to stitch for each prompt. Deciding what to stitch is the most challenging part and it is also the part I enjoy. Ready to see what the prompts were and you can decide if I was successful or not?

First prompt I stitched was "Stitch on something that reminds you of your mother, grandmother, or female that helped to raise you." This was an easy one! My Mom had a green thumb and we always had plants growing around the house both inside and out. I miss the plants and TRY to grow some but I even killed the cactus! Anyways I stitched this piece in Honor of my Mom whom I miss everyday.

Flowers of the Month
January, Carnation
Progress on 10/21/24 was 205 Stitches

The next prompt I had was not a good one for me! It was "Stitch on a piece that has rain, thunder, or lightning." I looked thru all my stitching and I got nothing! So I took the penalty and decided on the One Hundred Days of Tiny. The problem was that this was the evening I meet some other stitchers at the mall to stitch. There is some bad lighting there and I left my light at home! So I just made the squares without the fills to be on the safe side. 

One Hundred Days of Tiny 
The Steady Thread

Progress on 10/22/24 was adding 216 stitches.

The third prompt was to "Stitch on red fabric or with red thread."  Lucky me, I just happened to have something with red stitching on it. So I stitched the scarf which was red with a little yellow. What perfect timing I had on this one.

Winter 2024 SAL
Designer - Alyssa

I added 216 stitches on 10/23/24.

I decided that the next two prompts I was using could be stitched on the same piece; Nintendo. The first prompt was to "Stitch on something that is considered hostile." I never played Contra before but just by the look of it, I think it is pretty hostile game.

The second prompt I used for Nintendo "Stitch on something that is new to you, a new designer, a new kind of thread, a different color fabric, a different count of fabric etc." This is the FIRST time I decided to stitch something this big! I wondered what in the world I was thinking when I cut the fabric and each time I get it out to stitch on it.

Armada Designs
I added 100 and 138 on 10/24 and 10/25/24 respectfully.

And the last prompt for the week was "Stitch on something that pictures what you would think of as silence and explain your answer."  Honestly, I after I stitching a piece for this it I thought about the temperature library but didn't feel like doing another piece so I used the Shades of Gold that I had stitched already. I said that since there is not a lot happening in the design it is what I would consider silent. It is just a bunch of simple lines that create a stunning picture free of confusion. 

I don't know if they will accept that explanation or not but I thought it was a good try!

Shades of Gold
Designer - Nicole Dostal
Northern Expressions Needlework
So I added 209 stitches to the piece on 10/26/24.

So I guess this is where my stitching prompts ended for the week. It was another fun week of stitching

I hope you enjoyed seeing what I stitched and why and now I need to go and find out what the prompts are for the upcoming week. But first, I need to stitch!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
I appreciate you checking on my blog.
Have an awesome and safe week.

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