Sunday, January 19, 2025

My Sunday Stitchy Update 01/19/25

Well we have FINALLY had some chilly days here in Arizona! Overnight freeze conditions to and what the news always tells us is "Don't forget the three Ps; wrap your Pipes, cover your Plants and bring in your Pets!"  I, for one am not that happy for the colder weather and I am already looking forward to summer! I hope you are not having to cold of a week though January is pretty frosty.

For me this was another week for Brringo and then the upcoming week will be the last until the next game which I think is in September.

So let's get busy with this week's prompts! 

The number called was 19 "Stitch something with words." That lead me back to the Winter SAL I have been working on.

Winter SAL
Designer - Alyssa
I added 338 stitches to this one.

The next number I had to work on was 3 which was "Stitch something from a non-U.S. designer".  I picked my 2024 PP Blackwork SAL from Peppermint Purple but I will show that one a little further down on the page. 

After that it was number 17! "The Stitch something that relates to your first, middle, or last name." It was an unusual prompt but I have seen my name has in a million places over my lifetime. When I was a young child I thought God had named every church after me!

Faith Over Fear
It wasn't much of a start but I did get in 81 stitches.

The next prompt was a super easy one! Number 8's prompt was "Choose your favorite movie – stitch on a project of your choice for the length of the movie." Well my favorite movie is Pretty Woman with Julia Roberts and Richard Gere and I love these two actors as well. While I watched it I stitched something from Brooke's Books. When I found out Brooke passed away from cancer I felt the need to browse the charts I had from her and found this cutie in my stash. Unfortunately I could not find a finished photo of it so you will have to wait! 

Stitchie Witchie
Brooke's Books
I put in 141 stitches on her fancy hat!

For the number 4 I had to "Roll the dice!" I don't remember what that means, what I had to do or why I picked the chart I did but I worked on the constellation for Virgo. 

Virgo Constellation

This chart was a LOT of counting over and over again
because of all the blank space but I got it and 85 stitches!

The next number was 12 and I needed to "Stitch something that is monochromatic!" Well I just happen to have one or two of those so I picked the Peppermint Purple Blackwork SAL because I wanted to try to finish the borders on it! 

2024 PP Blackwork SAL
Combined with the prompt above I had 331 stitches
and the borders are finished!

The number and prompt for Saturday was 13; "Stitch something that was gifted to you or that will be gifted to someone else."  Sooner or later this is going to be a gift for my daughter.

I only managed 67 stitches last night because I was exhausted!

Which finally brings us to today, Sunday! The lucky number was 7 with the prompt "Stitch something that someone else chooses for you." Though when I am stitching this piece I don't feel so lucky! Though every time Jacob picks something for me; this is it! 

Flumpkin X Stitchers
Only managed 30 stitches in over an hour!
It seems like 30 stitches is 30 colors though I know that's not right but it is close. 

So that is all the stitches for the week. Thanks for coming to look at them!

I hope you had a successful crafty week as well.

Stay Safe and Stay Happy
and I will meet you here again next week!

ps... I am almost caught up on the emails, sorry it is taking me so long


butterfly said...

Wow lots of stitching going on in your house .
Have fun hugs June.

Robin in Virginia said...

Good job on touching a number of your projects, Faith! Stay warm and stitch on!

Katie said...

Fantastic work on everything!!

Clare-Aimetu said...

Cold weather is obviously good for needles, three new starts and great progress on your projects

Manuela said...

So many stitches on your wips.
Have a nice week. Manuela

Anonymous said...

Awesome progress on all of your projects Faith.


Astrids dragon said...

Look at you go! Seems appropriate that you're stitching cold weather!

Carol said...

Looking at the 57° in your sidebar in Tucson has me "just a bit" jealous, Faith! It was -9° here yesterday... So, so cold that we just stay inside when we can. Very interesting prompts and a nice selection of WIPs to go along with them. You have an easy name to find stitching-related pieces (as do I--so many "carols" designs around Christmas time :) Hope your warmer weather returns... looks like we are in the deep freeze this entire month. ♥

diamondc said...

Hello Faith: I cannot imagine freezing in Arizona, but things can happen like that, I am one for hot weather, it does not bother me nor does the humidity here in the summer in Minnesota.
The Brringo is very interesting, its fun seeing what the prompts are for your stitching.
Love Faith over Fear, Faith is so much stronger then fear ion my world.
You have so many sweet designs in the works, Brooks Books are such sweet designs, it is a loss in the design world that she has passed, she was an amazing designer.
