Sunday, February 02, 2025

My Sunday Stitchy Update 02/02/25

Welcome Back Everyone! I hope you had a great week and you were able to get in some stitching time. I had a pretty good week. One of the best parts of the week is being able to go to the Mall and stitch with my friends. I think I actually get less stitches in my piece because we are so busy talking and looking at everyone's work and wishes! But that is ok, I enjoy spending time with the other ladies.

So this week I worked on a couple of big projects that you can actually see the progress on. That encourages me to keep going! Sometimes you can't really see where you stitched but you know you did! So let me show you what I did! 

First up I stitched a little on The Enchanted Christmas Snowman. I can't believe I am still on page one of this chart though it does look like I am a little more than half way. If you look you can actually see the stitches I put in. Everything is so blue that it was nice to finally use a different color!

The Enchanted Christmas Snowman
On 01/26 I added 115 stitches

After that I worked on these teeny tiny squares. It is kind of hard to put the fill in these tiny boxes and I often have to take out what I stitched and do it again and again! 

One Hundred Days of Tiny
I added 252 stitches on 01/27.

Then it was Tuesday... that is the evening we stitch at the Mall. I gathered up my stuff, grabbed a Diet Pepsi and off I went. When I got to the mall I took my stuff out and I noticed I grabbed the wrong box of floss; darn it! Luckily the box I did have had black and white in it so I was still able to stitch the border! 

I Stitch Sampler
On 1/28 I added 107 black or white stitches.

Then on Wednesday I looked through the WIP Box and saw this one so I took it out and looked it over and thought that I could at least finish this one block! It took me four evenings to do it, but it is finished!! Now I am down to one more block. 

Quilt Block Sampler
Artist - Loretta Oliver

Yesterday, 02/01 I finished adding in 489 Xs.

Now I will have to look and see what I will do this week. I am still doing the stitching acrostics so I will look over the list I wrote down and see what I feel like stitching. And luckily I can use the same piece on more than one acrostic if it fits! YaY 

Also, Tuesday is World Cancer Day. I would like to send prayers and good wishes to everyone who has or had cancer or been touched by cancer in one way or another. Cancer is not only tough on the person that has cancer but the people surrounding and supporting them. I am proud to say that this week I will celebrate being a ten year survivor of ovarian cancer.

Be kind to one another. 

Well thanks again for stopping by!
I appreciate your time and interest.

Have a great week.
Stay Safe and Healthy
💜💜💜     ðŸ’œ   ðŸ’œ   ðŸ’œ     ðŸ’œðŸ’œðŸ’œ


MartinaM said...

The Christmas snowman will be beautiful. What I also really like is the quilt block pattern, I don't think I've ever seen it before.
Have a nice week, Martina

Manuela said...

Hello Faith,
good progress this week. The quilt block looks great. One more block and this project is finish.
The Snowman is very cute.
Have a nice week, Manuela

diamondc said...

Congratulation on your stitching progress Faith, the one that intrigues me the most is the 100 Days, love that design also love the Quilt Block Sampler.
Congratulations on celebrating ten years of survival of ovarian cancer, I too am a survivor, 30 years.


Katie said...

Lovely progress on your beautiful pieces. Looking great!
So glad you are cancer free!

Robin in Virginia said...

Faith, your projects are looking fantastic. I was able to stitch with a new group of stitchers on Sunday (most from IG). That was a lot of fun. Congratulations on to you on being a cancer survivor. Have a wonderful week.

Carol said...

First of all congratulations on 10 years of being an ovarian cancer survivor, Faith. Such a devastating cancer--I actually have two friends who passed away from it when in their early 50s. So glad you are doing well. Lovely to see your progress on all of these projects. I especially love that blue in your Quilt Block Sampler. Take care now and have a great day! ♥