Monday, September 11, 2017

My Sunday Stitchy Update 09/11/17

Well make that Monday rather than Sunday.

Sunday we went to see the movie IT and when I got home I was kinda to tired to blog. The movie was pretty good though and now to wait, wait, wait for the second part of it to come out! If you have seen the original or read the book than you know what the "Losers Club" is; either way this is not really a spoiler...this part only dealt with the "Losers Club" as children and the next will be them as the adults.

As for stitching...

My friend Deb Haggerton gifted me with a belated birthday present! Whohooo I was so excited to receive it. It has been on my HaED wish list for a while and I was debating over it during the Labor Day Sale but decided I don't "need" another chart in my stash when I have so many already. Well it turns out that I did NEED another chart in my stash and she sent me this!

Artist - Lisa Parker
Now I just NEED to shop thru my fabric so I can kit up some of these HaED charts AND get them started!!

Thank you Deb! I love it very much!!!

Now do you remember last week when I said that I thought I spotted a mistake? Well I did, so I had to end up frogging all the white that I stitched. Why does taking it out take so much longer than stitching it up? Well I finally got it all out and started over. Can't say I was excited about it one bit so I decided to change colors from the white to a pink and then back to the white and here is where I am at now.

12 Days of Christmas
Day 9
Nine Ladies Dancing
Designer - Margaret Sherry
Progress as of 09/11/17

I think Margaret Sherry has a great imagination and that you will love which animal the Lady is!

Nine Ladies Dancing is being stitched as part of the

Continued prayers and good thoughts for all those affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

Thanks for taking a peek at my stitching
see ya next week with another faithful update!


diamondc said...

Faith: Wow what a sweet gift, you are one lucky Lady.
I love the Bunny, that blue is amazing.
Great progress, I hate frogging.
I too am praying for the people hit by the hurricanes, I am including in my daily prayers that Jose stays at sea and dissipates, we in this world have had enough bad weather.


Linda said...

Love your new chart Faith. Glad you caught the dancing lady early.


Mary said...

Faith, such a lovely bunny stitch!! You are getting cross stitch BD gifts! I love the border on it, has a celtic look to it.

I would love to know why the frogging takes twice as long too!! Mary

Anonymous said...

How nice gift, the bunny is very cute!
So sorry for the frog!

Happy stitching!

Justine said...

Your hare is just beautiful, what a lovely gift.

Mii Stitch said...

A lovely thoughtful gift that will keep you entertained for a little while :) About to start on a HAED myself, should be interesting!

Deb said...

You are very welcome! The more charts the better, gives you more to choose from when looking for a new start. Hopefully you got rid of froggie and able to get back on track. Her designs are so adorable!

Brigitte said...

Your new chart is a wonderful gift. I can already see you starting on it soon.
Sorry that you had to frog so much. Maybe the pink colour is more of what you love stitching with.

RJ said...

What a lovely gift you received Faith. Frogging can really slow you down that's for sure. Enjoy your stitching this week. RJ

The Crafty Princess said...

What a lovely gift, such a gorgeous bunny. I hear you about the frogging, it's the worst thing. I hope you had a lovely birthday too!
xo Alicia

Vickie said...

Happy belated birthday!! I love the small gift you got! I cannot believe you went to see "IT" I would freak out way too much!!!