Saturday, January 30, 2021

January 2021 Puzzles

Hi Everybody! 

Today I have an interesting puzzle to show you.

The Big Turn On
Christmas #12

I have been curious about this puzzle because it is two puzzles in one! 

But imagine my surprise when both puzzles were mixed into together.
I was thinking what am I doing???
That is a lot of pieces so how do I separate them from each other!?!?

Well I finally did it and this is the first puzzle.
It is the same as the box top.

At the same time I was working on the second puzzle.

Finally they were both together and I think it
was not as hard as I thought it was going to be.

This was a pre-owned puzzle and there were three pieces missing between the two puzzles but I did end up with two extra pieces that didn't fit into the puzzle anywhere!

Very strange!!

Piece Count - 2,000
Size - Two 27 x 19 puzzles
Preowned Puzzle

Thanks for stopping by,
and seeing my pieces!

I hope to assemble many more pieces this year!


Mary said...

My word Faith, I would have closed up the box seeing 2 very similar puzzles stored in one box. Kudos to you for completing them!!

Lili said...

Congratulations for finishing both puzzles, Faith!

Linda said...

Wow Faith. Congrats. I think that is one puzzle that I would not attempt.


Rachel said...

You must have had a lot of 'fun' trying to separate the puzzles and working out what they were. Huge congrats on finishing them both but, as seems to be common with pre-owned puzzles, what a shame about the missing pieces.

Manuela said...

I have never seen a puzzle box like this before. You made a Great Job!
Congratulation to this finishes.
Have a nice week. Manuela

Sheryl said...

Goodness knows how you managed to finish these two puzzles - great fun and perseverance

Katie said...

Fun for you haha. I'm not a puzzle person so I would have thrown it away haha.