Friday, July 02, 2021

June 2021 Stitching Stats!

Here we are! Another month  is over and there are some new stats to report! 

I have noticed that when I concentrate on one project for the entire month I seem to make a lot of progress on it but I also notice that I MISS working on a lot of different projects! 

So my Stats for the month of June and Year to Date are...

Number of Days Stitched This Month = 30
Number of Days Stitched This Year = 179
     Missed two days in January

Number of Different Projects Worked on This Month = 1
Number of Different Projects Worked on This Year = 16
     Includes WIPs, UFOs (which may have already been worked on this year) and new starts 

Number of New Projects Started This Month = 0
Number of New Projects Started This Year = 6

Number of Projects Finished This Month = 0
Number of Projects Finished This Year = 10

So since I miss working on multiple projects July is going to be the perfect month for me; because it is Christmas in July!!  New projects coming up!! 

Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to read my recap!

If  you are in the States please have a safe 4th and
don't forget that pets may get frightened by the noise! 


butterfly said...

Sounds good .
I try and work on one large stitch each week.
But not much time in the Summer.
And at night a couple of smalls.
Then I may change every thing if I find something new .
Enjoy your day .

Shami Immanuel said...

I also had so many projects in hand. If I work on one project I will make a lot of progress but others will be left behind.

Cathy said...

I feel the same way. I know that if I stitch on only one project, it will get done faster, but there are so many others I want to stitch too.

Astrids dragon said...

Looking forward to seeing your July stitching!
I tend to stitch until I get tired of it, then switch to something else. Unless I have one I need to finish as a gift or exchange, then that's the priority.

The Crafty Princess said...

I am the same too, hence the 76 wips. You've done well sticking to one project. Nice looking stats!
xo Alicia