Thursday, February 02, 2023

January 2023 Stitching Stats

Welcome to February Everyone!

January seemed to zip past pretty fast! I was wondering if it always goes by that quickly? You would think that it doesn't since you should have some time to relax instead of planning, shopping and cooking for the holidays but I don't remember; after all it was a whole year ago!

This year I was able to squeeze in quite a few new starts and even a couple of small finishes. 

Here are my monthly stats!

Number of Days Stitched This Month = 31
Number of Days Stitched This Year = 31

Number of Different Projects Worked on This Month = 4
Number of Different Projects Worked on This Year = 4
     *Includes WIPs, UFOs (which may have already been worked on this year) and new starts

Number of New Projects Started This Month = 4
Number of New Projects Started This Year = 4

Number of Projects Finished This Month = 2
Number of Projects Finished This Year = 2

Well those are pretty good stats for the first month!
I can only hope that the following months will be as good.

Thanks for stopping by!


Bridgette said...

The months do seem to just zoom on by! Great stats and a great month!! I like your stat tracking, not overly complicated. I may be a copy-cat. I tried counting time,stitches etc etc, but it took the fun out of the actual stitches.
Have a great weekend! Bridgette

Katie said...

There were several weeks that crawled slowly and then it was over. Crazy. I would like to go back to one of the lazy weeks please haha.

Great work! Enjoy February.