Sunday, June 23, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 06/23/24

Happy Sunday Everyone! 

I hope that you had a great week.  I had a pretty good week. Just hanging out at the house and getting in quite a bit of stitching.  It has been to hot to cook in the kitchen so I have been making a lot of crock pot meals which frees up a lot of my day and that is pretty nice! Do you guys like to cook in the crockpot? I think it maybe my favorite way to "cook" dinner!

This week I pulled out this piece again and continued stitching this blackwork with two threads. 
One Hundred Days of Tiny
Progress 06/16/24
159 stitches added I was stitching it I kept looking at the the stitched parts and I think that they look very thick. I asked around and everyone says it looks fine the way it is and I agreed. Then I would stitch some more and start having the doubts about the stitches again. I decided that I will just start it over and see how I like it then. 

Then I was in a little pop-up challenge in one of my groups to either stitch 500 stitches or 5 hours on a piece that you avoid. Well I am always dreading the Dinosaur piece with all of the confetti stitches it has. So silly me, that is the piece I decided on. 

Artist - Stephen Michael Gardner
Progress 06/20/24
179 stitches added

Well I ended up stitching for the five hours and put in 179 stitches. I do consider that good with as much confetti as there is.  It seems like there was not more than five of the same color stitches in any one place. So now I think this one has to go on time out for the month of July! 

Next I stitched some of the Vase of Flowers which is on plastic canvas. It will be a bookmark once it is finished. 

Vase of Flowers
Durene Jones
Progress 06/21/24
added 240 stitches

Then yesterday I moved on to a cheery colorful one!

Twisted Rainbow Sampler
Progress 06/21/24
only 84 stitches added

That is 662 stitches for the week but I am happy with the amount given the Dinosaur piece. 

Next week I have a few pieces to catch up on before the end of the month so I hope to be busy stitching this week to finish my acrostics for June. Then it is time to figure out the July plans!

Well I talked to much (again) so that is it for today!

Thanks again for stopping by and
checking out my stitches, I appreciate it!
I am off to add some more Xs to the Twisted Rainbow!

Have a great week and I hope you get in lots of Xs.

πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ     πŸ’œ   πŸ’œ   πŸ’œ     πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


MartinaM said...

You have such great projects this week and the progress is clearly visible.
I hope that the hot weather will soon ease up where you are. I am confident that it will finally get warmer here this week.
enjoy your week, Martina

butterfly said...

Wow you have done well with your stitching .
I love the rainbow stitch .
Have a fun week hugs June .

Robin in Virginia said...

Crockpot meals are great. You had a productive week, Faith. Stay cool and keep hydrated!

Katie said...

Please send me your crock pot recipes. I want to learn some different ones.

Beautiful stitching! I get it. Yggdrasil just refused to make easy progress this weekend. Oh well hopefully next time. Hugs. Thanks for being there for me.

Manuela said...

So many good progress on your wips.
I like the twisted rainbow sampler.
Have a nice week, Manuela

Carol said...

We had your heat up here last week, Faith--we were under that "heat dome" in the Northeast and very much not used to it. 90-98 every day and little relief at night. I don't know how you do it, but I guess you get used to it. At least you don't have our humidity on top of the heat :) I do enjoy crockpot meals and need to make more of them. It's just that it takes planning ahead a bit--ha ha! Lovely progress on your WIPs. That dino is really coming to life. Enjoy these last few days of June! ♥