Sunday, September 22, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 09/22/24

Happy Fall Everyone! I hope that you have had a great week. Fall weather will be moving in soon and the hot days will be fading away until next year and I am getting sad already.

Last week there was nothing exciting going on and I think my life is FINALLY calming down and getting back to where it belongs ~ thank goodness. So, with that said...let me show you my curren stitches! 

We started the week off with these shamrocks

Lucky Shamrocks
Progress 09/15/24
288 stitches added

Long May You Stitch
Lucy Beam from
Progress 09/16/24
added 210 stitches

Quilt Block Sampler
Artist - Loretta Oliver
Progress 09/17/24
added 226 stitches

Stephen King House
Progress 09/18/24
237 stitches were added to the top floor of the house

Vase of Flowers

Progress 09/19/24
Added another 204 stitches
Just the blue background has to be finished.

Sweet and Spooky

Progress 09/20/24
Added some of the sun and the
beginning of a sucker with 237 stitches

Flowers of the Month
January, Carnation
Progress 09/21/24
205 stitched were added
Went to continue working on February but I found out it was started in the wrong place then I couldn't get the floss out so I started the January square instead. That was not a fun way to end the week! 

whew....that is it for the stitching!
Hope I didn't bore you to much!!

I hope to have a lot of these stitch packed weeks so
come back next week and see what I have accomplished!

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