Sunday, October 20, 2024

My Sunday Stitchy Update 10/13/24

Oh brother... I went to start this week's post and found last week's sitting there as a draft! Oops... 

Hello! I hope you had a great week with cooler temperatures but not to cold! Though there are only ten Fridays until Christmas! It is sneaking up on us pretty quickly so it is time to start the Christmas stitching and other projects. 

Every week the weather person says that we will be down to double digits by the weekend and every week they build up our hopes only to disappoint us time and time again! We are still in the 100s and have broken our own record of the most days in the 100s in a year! 

Each week we receive new prompts for stitching and while you you don't have to do each one I try to do them all while also filling in my acrostic puzzles. Changing project each day has kind of grown on me and keeps me busy. I enjoy touching each project and getting a chance to stitch on some that I haven't seen in  while!  Like this first one! 

On Monday the first prompt I stitched on was "Stitch on a WIP that went missing for awhile (either from your storage spot or from your brain)".  Well I have a few projects that can fit into this category but I have been seeing quite a few people stitching this one lately. So here is mine which has not been stitched on since 2022!

Mason Jar Lineup
Designer - Barb Tourtillotte

Progress of 127 Stitches on 10/07/24

The next prompt I stitched on was "Stitch on a project that contains something fragile." I think that snowmen are pretty fragile! Have you ever seen one starting to melt when the temperatures start to rise? They just start losing things like their face and then their whole head! The first time Jacob saw this happening he was very upset. 

Small Christmas Ornaments
Finished the Snowman with 140 stitches on 10/08/24

The next prompt was to "Stitch on a project with a creature or plant that is found in the sea." Guess what, I don't have anything like that! LOL Instead I worked on the following project. They call that a penalty stitch and you can only count half the stitches 

Spooky & Sweet
Progress 10/09/24
added 256 stitches

My next prompt seemed super easy... "Stitch on a project that is decidedly NOT musical." Well that is probably everything in the WIP Box so I just picked something I felt like adding some stitches to. I am about a a fifth of the way through this one so I thought it would be nice to add a couple if squares to it.

One Hundred Days of Tiny 
added 212 stitches on 10/10/24

For this next prompt I had to wrack my brain for a bit!! "Stitch on a project that displays a vehicle of sorts."  I had to go back through my old posts to see if I could find a car or something and I found one, thanks goodness. Mr. King's Christine is front and center on this piece!

Stephen King House
The Witchy Stitcher

on 10/11/24 I added 204 stitches

The next prompt was to "Stitch on a project that you had envied for awhile." When I first saw this one I just knew I HAD to have it along with it's companion piece; Twisted Band Sampler. But given all the charts I already have I couldn't justify it. But then my enablers aka my children, Matt & Tia bought them for me and kitted them up, problem solved! LOL

Twisted Rainbow Sampler
Northern Expressions Needlework
Progress 10/12/24 and add 100 stitches.

and this is the
Twisted Band Sampler
which I swear I will get to one of these days!

Well that is it for this week!

I hope you enjoyed seeing what I was up to this week!
Now I need to go get ready for next week!!

Thanks for stopping by!


Robin in Virginia said...

What awesome progress you made on the projects your fingers touched, Faith! Well done!

Carol said...

I'm sorry to read you are still in triple digit temperatures. In spite of our very cool mornings, it has been warming up here to the low 70s--just delightful :) It's fun to see which pieces you choose for each prompt. I love seeing that mason jar piece out again--it's so pretty! And that little penguin is so sweet. Hope you have a great (and cooler!) week ahead, Faith! ♥

diamondc said...

Hi Faith: The weather people are the only people who get paid when they are wrong, it has warmed up here in Minnesota in the 80s on Monday, oh my saying ten Fridays till Christmas sounds like it is very close, yikes I need to get busy.
Congratulations on all your added stitches' to all your projects.
It does make me sad when I see the snowmen children make start to melt.
Have a great week.


butterfly said...

I love the little snowman , how cute .
Enjoy your week hugs June.

Katie said...

I wondered where you update was. I love all your beautiful projects. Great work on the prompts. I never get to all them of them so you did fantastic! Yuck those temps are crazy. We are going to get close to 80 today which is HOT for October in Indiana. But like 56 Wednesday haha.